

and installations

„Man soll nie vergessen, daß die Gesell­schaft lieber unter­halten, als unter­richtet sein will.“ “
Ernst Waldau

“Man is not who he is, but who he wants to be. Whoever grabs him by his desires, has him. ” (Martin Walser)

Our designs+ installations


Himmels­tropfen: Three clim­bing scaf­folds made of struc­tural steel meshes that are growing into a new land­mark of…
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The Hoverbox is a large white box floa­ting over a frozen lake in Canada. From Naice. Very nice.
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Infinite Bridge

Leads abso­lutely nowhere: The Infi­nite Bridge in Aarhus. Nevert­heless it is a wonderful desti­na­tion. Desi­gned by…
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The Whale

“The Whale,” that’s whale watching in nort­hern Norway. In the warm, from 2022 and by Dorte Mandrup.
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Prei­ke­stolen is one of the biggest tourist attrac­tions in Norway. Why not let an infi­nity pool canti­lever at a…
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aquanale 2019

aqua­nale 2019 will take place in Cologne from 5 — 8 November 2019. With 320 compa­nies from more than 25 count­ries.…
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For Forest

FOR FOREST trans­forms the Wörthersee Stadium in Klagen­furt into a forest with 299 trees. Tempo­r­a­rily. It’s about…
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FSB 2019

FSB – Inter­na­tional Trade Fair for Public Space, Sports and Leisure Faci­li­ties will open its doors on 5 November…
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Pixe­land by 100architects brings toge­ther play­ground spaces for kids as well as land­sca­ping and enter­tain­ment…
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Pimp up your Play­ground. Or schoo­lyard, sports ground and office. Floor images by app, made of EPDM granu­late. By…
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