Rust never sleeps

Chemin des Carrières in Alsace

Reiulf Ramstad Architekter


Chemin des Carri­ères, the Quar­ries’ Track, is a lace undu­la­ting in the land­scape, an invi­ta­tion to travel as our ambi­tion behind the recon­quest of the Rosheim-St Nabor railway in Alsace, France.


Ominous, some­times hidden, the vestiges of the railway still mark the reading of the site. The desire to create a route to serve the quar­ries had to adapt to the undu­la­ting land­scapes of the sub-Vosges hills and the very form of the tracing tells the history of the land­scape and the men. The journey to discover forgotten land­scapes or to take a diffe­rent view on ever­yday land­scapes is addressed to both local users and tourists. Like the old track that offered a dual func­tion (indus­trial and passenger trans­port), the route has a double voca­tion where the func­tional must rub shoulders with the imagi­nary of travel.

Five chapters

Along the 11km path goes a story, which the stops split into five chap­ters of diffe­rent sequences of land­scapes offe­ring varied universes and high­lighting remar­kable sites. Unusual elements punc­tuate the way, aiming at awake­ning the visitor’s senses, and water is encoun­tered repea­tedly.


Rosheim tells the story of the past. Realized by intert­wined circles in corten steel, the pavi­lion has a laby­rin­thine character and play with irre­gular concave and convex inte­rior, which the visi­tors are free to roam. The train tracks are conserved in that area, benches are built, and openings are created to open or close the sculp­ture to chosen views of the surroun­ding land­scape allo­wing for viewing, seating – refle­xion and contem­pla­tion.


Boersch tells the story of water. The river, which histo­ri­cally allowed connec­tion to the world and tells about the true clean­li­ness of a place. It is a dynamic element in the land­scape, running to the ocean. We enlarge the riverbed and build a large open space amphi­theater to access the water.


Leonardsau tells the story of the land. After a long green tunnel, two large corten steel plates amplify the opening effect at the end of the forest corridor to the open land­scape, embo­dying a gate and opening a perspec­tive towards Mont St-Odile, which deve­lops the idea of disco­very.


Ottrott tells the story of travel. Former train station, the stop mate­ria­lizes the history of the railway and high­light the presence of the heri­tage (balance, bridge, crane, pump…). In a fabric of housing buil­dings, the reser­voir, symbo­li­zing water, and concrete crossings connect housing to histo­rical elements and land­scape.

Saint Nabor

Saint Nabor tells the story of luck. Closed for years and ongoing a “rena­tu­ra­li­sa­tion” process, the quar­ries symbo­lize the recon­quest of the vege­ta­tion on a former indus­trial site. On one of the highest plat­form created by the machine, will the traveler discover the most spec­ta­cular work: a promon­tory in corten steel offe­ring a wide view on the valley of Rosheim and the plain of Alsace. From this view­point inspired by a four-leaf clover, the visitor will feel lucky to enjoy the view of such a beau­tiful terri­tory.

We did this.

Compa­nies involved & Links


Reiulf Ramstad Archi­tekter
Sivil­ar­ki­tekter MNAL. ARK + LARK
Jose­fi­nesgt. 7
NOR — 0351 Oslo


Florent Michel 11h45
96 Avenue de la Répu­blique
F — 75011 Paris


Rue du Neuland
F — 67560 Rosheim



Reiulf Ramstad Archi­tekter


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