Form takes flight

„Visions in Motion“ in Berlin

Patrick Shearn & Poetic Kinetics


To mark the 30th anni­ver­sary of the Peaceful Revo­lu­tion and the fall of the Wall, Kultur­pro­jekte Berlin has invited Patrick Shearn and his team at Poetic Kine­tics to display “Visions in Motion”, the latest work from the artist’s “Skynet” series. Curated as part of Berlin’s offi­cial week-long festival, the 20,000 sq. ft. kinetic instal­la­tion spanned 450 ft. in length at the Bran­den­burg Gate, where the former Wall divided the city. The artwork’s rectan­gular shape conjures the form of the wall; but instead of a heavy, impene­trable border, the form takes flight.


Kultur­pro­jekte Berlin was inspired to invite artist Patrick Shearn from Berlin’s sister city, Los Angeles, to bring forth an artwork for the offi­cial festi­vi­ties that symbo­lizes the unifi­ca­tion of the German people. During the Peaceful Revo­lu­tion, hundreds of thou­sands of people raised their voices and contri­buted to the fall of the Wall. In remi­nis­cence of the banners carried during the demons­tra­tions of the Peaceful Revo­lu­tion, Shearn’s instal­la­tion incor­po­rated multi­co­lored, partly reflec­tive strea­mers, which floated almost weight­lessly across the sky at the Bran­den­burg Gate in Berlin.


Patrick Shearn is world renowned for his striking, larger-than-life, moving sculp­tures, called Skynets. The commis­sioned work conti­nues the dynamic instal­la­tion series of ultra light­weight floa­ting artworks, rigged incon­spi­cuously to appear as if they float in midair. The artwork was comprised of appro­xi­m­ately 120,000 strea­mers of fabric— 30,000 of which contain hand­written messages coll­ected from members of the German people and the world commu­nity.

In total, the instal­la­tion was comprised of appro­xi­m­ately 9500 linear ft. of rope, over 1250 hand-tied tech­nical knots and appro­xi­m­ately 120,000 ripstop nylon and reflec­tive fabric strea­mers arranged in an elegant, colorful pattern. Harnes­sing available wind, the artwork will undu­late in a gorgeous, immersive display.


The Berlin Festival Week from November 4 – 10 marked the 30th anni­ver­sary of the Peaceful Revo­lu­tion and the fall of the Berlin Wall: the capital city was trans­formed into a large open-air exhi­bi­tion and event loca­tion. Over one hundred events at seven original sites of the Peaceful Revo­lu­tion, visi­tors were invited to learn, remember, debate and cele­brate.


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Straße des 17. Juni/Pariser Platz
D — 10117 Berlin




Poetic Kine­tics


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