FSB and aquanale

Place to be

On 26 October 2021, the moment will finally have arrived once again: German and international trade fair participants will gather for the co-located events aquanale and FSB in Cologne.

FSB and aquanale stand for the restart of the entire industry.

On 26 October 2021, the moment will finally have arrived once again: German and inter­na­tional trade fair parti­ci­pants will gather for the co-located events aqua­nale, the Inter­na­tional Trade Fair for Sauna.Pool.Ambience, and FSB, the Inter­na­tional Trade Fair for Public Space, Sports and Leisure Faci­li­ties. For four days, the two trade fairs will be devoted to repo­si­tio­ning the entire inter­na­tional

sports and leisure industry, and they will play a decisive role in a successful relaunch for the sectors involved.

After more than one and a half years of digital meetings, the message from all the industry part­ners is that a face-to-face gathe­ring in Cologne is essen­tial. “The co-located events aqua­nale and FSB will certainly be diffe­rent this year, but the important thing is that both leading industry trade fairs will provide lasting impetus for future deve­lo­p­ment. And that is exactly what ever­yone wants and needs.” says Matthias Poll­mann, Vice Presi­dent Trade Fair Manage­ment at Koeln­messe.

At aquanale, not only the private but also the public swimming pool sector is well represented.

At aqua­nale, around 180 compa­nies from 25 count­ries will present the latest products and designs for modern, sustainable and inno­va­tive swim­ming pool and well­ness faci­li­ties. They will be joined by the leading member compa­nies of the bsw (German Asso­cia­tion for Swim­ming Pools and Well­ness), which over­sees aquanale’s event programme for industry profes­sio­nals as the trade fair’s concep­tual sponsor.

Key inter­na­tional industry players will also appear at the trade fair to show­case their inno­va­tive products to visi­tors from Germany and abroad. 

Both the private and public pool sectors will be well repre­sented. In addi­tion, the EWA Village will provide an addi­tional attrac­tive networ­king plat­form for all industry parti­ci­pants in the entrance area to Hall 8. The halls have been carefully planned to incor­po­rate all the aqua­nale theme worlds into a clearly struc­tured layout. aqua­nale will occupy the modern north halls (Halls 7 and 8) of the Cologne trade fair grounds in 2021.

Around 270 companies from 35 countries will exhibit at FSB, occupying roughly 35,000 square metres of gross exhibition space.

Around 270 compa­nies from 35 count­ries will exhibit at FSB, occu­pying roughly 35,000 square metres of gross exhi­bi­tion space in Halls 10.1 and 9. They will present the full spec­trum of issues in the fields of public space, play­ground equip­ment, outdoor fitness, sports equip­ment, sports surfaces and stadium infra­struc­ture.

FSB’s concep­tual sponsor and most important partner is IAKS, the Inter­na­tional Asso­cia­tion for Sports and Leisure Faci­li­ties. This year, the orga­ni­sa­tion will once again host the inter­na­tio­nally renowned IAKS Congress as part of the trade fair.

Further key part­ners include FIFA and ESTC (the EMEA Synthetic Turf Council), who are looking forward to meeting their members and partner orga­ni­sa­tions at the trade fair in Cologne, as well as the BSFH (Federal Asso­cia­tion of Play­ground Equip­ment and Leisure Faci­li­ties Manu­fac­tu­rers), the German Olympic Sports Confe­de­ra­tion (DOSB), IAKS Germany and the Deut­sche Eisho­ckey Verband (German Ice Hockey Fede­ra­tion). 

Toge­ther with the sports network @ FSB, the trade fair will once again this year trans­form the indoor stadium into a plat­form for stimu­la­ting face-to-face networ­king with leading repre­sen­ta­tives from sports, local autho­ri­ties and the industry.


The hall planning accommodates all necessary measures and official requirements for the protection of exhibitors and visitors

Both trade fairs have excel­lent connec­tions to local public trans­port and the network of motor­ways around Cologne via Entrances East and North. All the halls are linked via a straight­for­ward route, thereby ensu­ring an even distri­bu­tion of visi­tors across the trade fair halls. The exis­ting restau­rant and resting areas in the halls are being extended with addi­tional space to ensure the social distancing rules can be adhered to.

The hall plan­ning accom­mo­dates all neces­sary measures and offi­cial requi­re­ments for the protec­tion of exhi­bi­tors and visi­tors. Koeln­messe has created the best prere­qui­sites for an inte­res­ting and safe trade fair expe­ri­ence with its safety and hygiene concept, #B‑SAFE4business.

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Inter­na­tional Trade Fair for Public Space, Sports and Leisure Faci­li­ties


Messe­platz 1
D — 50679 Cologne


Inter­na­tional Trade Fair for Sauna.Pool.Ambience







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