Skatepark in a Box

Fits everywhere

“Skatepark in a Box” can be set up almost anywhere in the world – even in crisis areas.

The contai­ners are the decisive stage of deve­lo­p­ment, because on the one hand they expand the range of oppor­tu­ni­ties, and on the other hand they create secure storage faci­li­ties.

“Skate­park in a Box” is a new concept, flexible and sustainable at the same time, for the further deve­lo­p­ment of mobile skate­parks all over the world.

As its name suggests, the project consists of a skate­park and a box. The skate­park is tail­ored to the on-site condi­tions by the Cologne land­scape archi­tect and skate­park specia­list Ralf Maier. The box is made from an over­seas ship­ping container, which the Stutt­gart company KuKuk Box trans­forms into a versa­tile sports and leisure faci­lity.

The contai­ners are the decisive stage of deve­lo­p­ment, because on the one hand they expand the range of oppor­tu­ni­ties, and on the other hand they create secure storage faci­li­ties (espe­ci­ally for the sports equip­ment).

This means that “Skate­park in a Box” can be set up almost anywhere in the world: in large inner-city squares, in the coun­try­side, in niches and alcoves — but also in crisis areas, where oppor­tu­ni­ties like this are perhaps even more important than anywhere else.

The sponsor of this concept, and of many skate faci­li­ties world­wide, is the skate-aid foun­da­tion.


maier land­schafts­ar­chi­tektur


KuKuk Box



The concept works just as well as a temporary installation for events as it does for the permanent enrichment of sports and leisure activities.

The converted contai­ners are the crucial constant at “Skate­park in a Box” because the storage faci­li­ties in parti­cular guarantee that they can be used safely and secu­rely around the world. As well as a skate­park, the sports and exer­cise offer can also include a BMX trail, for example.

The contai­ners provide space for all the neces­sary equip­ment. The mobile ramps are stored in a space-saving way, the bikes and scoo­ters are anchored to holders, the boards are neatly stacked on rails and the protec­tive equip­ment, like the helmets and the knee and elbow pads, are sorted by size into boxes under the counter.

There is even a toolbox and a first-aid kit on board.


A folding bench and coat hooks make it easy to move the container, or to turn it into a lounge with seating and recrea­tional faci­li­ties, a meeting place for real experts to talk shop and exch­ange expe­ri­ences.

The only thing missing is the camp­fire.

“Skate­park in a Box” is extre­mely flexible. The concept is just as suitable as a tempo­rary instal­la­tion for events or during reno­va­tion work as it is as a perma­nent addi­tion to sports and leisure faci­li­ties.

As the contai­ners are deli­vered prefa­bri­cated by lorry to their desti­na­tion and require no further design or foun­da­tions, assembly and possible dismant­ling are also very easy to imple­ment.

“Skatepark in a Box” promotes not only athletic development, but also individual and social development.


The combi­na­tion of sports faci­li­ties and contai­ners has great poten­tial, espe­ci­ally for social projects. As soon as the faci­li­ties have been set up, a programme with free skate­boar­ding work­shops, inclu­ding provi­ding sports equip­ment, can be started on site.

The skate-aid foun­da­tion has a lot of expe­ri­ence in trai­ning local coaches who run the skate parks inde­pendently and super­vise skaters.


In this way, “Skate­park in a Box” promotes not only athletic deve­lo­p­ment, but also indi­vi­dual and social deve­lo­p­ment – for children and young people as well as for coaches.

“Skate­park in a Box” has already been set up at several loca­tions, inclu­ding Cologne-Ehren­feld, Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler, Wester­wald, Berlin and in a refugee camp in Pirlita/Balti (Moldova).

There are two vari­ants of the KuKuk box:

One variant can be trans­ported by truck, while the other is also suitable for ship­ping — for example, for use in crisis regions.

During the FSB 2023 there will be plenty of opportunities to experience and try out the “Skatepark in a Box” concept.

During the FSB 2023 there will be plenty of oppor­tu­ni­ties to expe­ri­ence and try out the “Skate­park in a Box” concept – for example in the outdoor area of Hall 9. In addi­tion, Ralf Maier will present his projects through lectures and an exhi­bi­tion.

KuKuk Box has been buil­ding artis­ti­cally desi­gned, inno­va­tive and style-defi­ning play and outdoor spaces throug­hout the world for over 15 years. KuKuk’s expe­ri­enced team is made up of artists, archi­tects, carpen­ters, joiners, metal­wor­kers and educa­tors – and will also be on site during the FSB.


skate-aid / KuKuk Box


Johannes Bühl­be­cker
More Sports Media



skate-aid was founded in 2009 by skate­board pioneer Titus Ditt­mann to realise social skate­park projects for disad­van­taged children and young people world­wide.

Maier Landschaftsarchitektur/ Beton­land­schaften in Cologne have specia­lised in the world­wide deve­lo­p­ment, desig­ning and cons­truc­tion of skate and bike parks for many years.

KuKuk Box is the inventor of mobile public play­ground faci­li­ties. The inno­va­tive play, sports and lounge concepts are based on stan­dar­dised freight contai­ners.


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