
Copenhagen Islands

Marshall Blecher & Studio Fokstrot


The project intro­duces a new arche­type in urban space to the city’s harbour; a “parki­pe­lago” of floa­ting islands, open and free to be used by an incre­asing number of boaters, fishermen, kaya­kers, star­ga­zers and swim­mers.

The islands rein­tro­duce wilder­ness and whimsey to the rapidly gentri­fying harbour, with endemic plants, trees and grasses above and anchor points below provi­ding a habitat for birds and insects, seaweeds, fish and molluscs. the islands offer a constantly chan­ging, gene­rous, green space in the centre of the city. The project also hints at a new type of climate resi­lient urba­nism, inher­ently flexible in its use and only using sustain­ably sourced and recy­cled mate­rials.


The islands will be cons­tructed by hand in the boat­buil­ding yards in the south habour of Copen­hagen using tradi­tional wooden boat buil­ding tech­ni­ques. They will be moved seaso­nally between unde­r­uti­lised and newly devel­oped parts of the harbour, cata­ly­sing life and acti­vity.

The first proto­type island ‘CPH-Ø1’ was laun­ched in 2018 and became a popular feature in the harbour, moving from place to place, hosting part of a photo­graphy exhi­bi­tion, a series of talks and many seaside picnics. The pro­totype will be followed by three more islands to be laun­ched in 2020, CPH-Ø1, CPH-Ø2 & CPH-Ø3 with plans for even more in the follo­wing years.


Copen­hagen Islands was awarded the taipei inter­na­tional design awards for public space and the award for social design, It was a fina­list in the Beazley design prize at the London Design Museum and has just been announced as a fina­list in the Danish Design Prize.

Copen­hagen islands is a not for profit initia­tive started by austra­lian archi­tect Marshall Blecher and Danish Design studio Fokstrot, it is supported by køben­havns kommune, by og havn and den gode havneliv.

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Airflix (Aerials)
MIR (Visua­li­sa­tions)


Marshall Blecher


2018 / 2020


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