Outdoorand open spaces
„Nothing compares to the simple pleaÂsure of riding a bike.”
John F. Kennedy
Fresh air. Running tracks. Skate parks. Individual sports. Calisthenics. Climbing parks. Dirt parks. Boules courts. Golf courses. Parkour. Slackline.
„No hour of life is lost that is spent in the saddle.” (Winston ChurÂchill)
Our outdoor and open-air facilities

Cycling through water
Here the water is up to the cyclists’ eye level. By Lens°ass archiÂtecten.

Chemin des Carrières
Chemin des CarriÂères: an 11 km trail with five stops, four quarÂries and the rugged landÂscape of Alsace. By Reiulf…

The Hoverbox is a large white box floaÂting over a frozen lake in Canada. From Naice. Very nice.

Arkona Sky Bar
There is much to see on RĂĽgen, so a roof terrace like the Arkona Sky Bar is an ideal place to stay.

Infinite Bridge
Leads absoÂlutely nowhere: The InfiÂnite Bridge in Aarhus. NevertÂheless it is a wonderful destiÂnaÂtion. DesiÂgned by…

The Whale
“The Whale,” that’s whale watching in nortÂhern Norway. In the warm, from 2022 and by Dorte Mandrup.

Sea Horse
Sea Horse is a water park desiÂgned for a new resiÂdenÂtial compound built in ChongÂqing, a megaÂcity in southwest…

Visions in Motion
“Visions in Motion” was part of a festival week on the occaÂsion of the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. With…

Light Path
Light Path transÂforms six hundred meters of redunÂdant highway infraÂstrucÂture into a dynamic cycleway compleÂting a…

Tree house
Tree house for the grandÂchildren: a real room in a real enviÂronÂment as a contrast to the virtual worlds in which…

CopenHill is a new type of waste-to-energy plant — with a ski slope, hiking trail and climÂbing wall. The future. BIG…

Identity through Skate Parks
In areas of crisis, the importance of sport and sports faciÂliÂties is enormous. FSB will show this with a photo…

Gersthofen Skate Park
When a town of 22,000 inhaÂbiÂtants invests €340,000 in the consÂtrucÂtion of GerstÂhofen Skate Park, there have to be…

Melos Innovations
At the FSB in Cologne (5.-8–11–2019) Melos will present some specÂtaÂcular innoÂvaÂtions, for example MoveNow, Turfrob…

Wals-Siezenheim Pump Track
The asphalt Wals-SiezenÂheim Pump Track is the largest in Austria. “AbsoÂlutely everÂyÂthing that has wheels is on the…

Pump tracks — The New Roller Sports Facilities
Pump tracks are becoÂming increÂasingly important. That’s why the seminar “Pump tracks — The New Roller Sports…

aquanale 2019
aquaÂnale 2019 will take place in Cologne from 5 — 8 November 2019. With 320 compaÂnies from more than 25 countÂries.…

Danjiang Bridge
Danjiang Bridge in New Taipei: A bridge for cars, trains, cyclists, joggers and walkers becomes a tourist attracÂtion.…

For Forest
FOR FOREST transÂforms the Wörthersee Stadium in KlagenÂfurt into a forest with 299 trees. TempoÂrÂaÂrily. It’s about…

FSB 2019
FSB – InterÂnaÂtional Trade Fair for Public Space, Sports and Leisure FaciÂliÂties will open its doors on 5 November…

Jaworznickie Planty
BeauÂtiful surrounÂdings: JaworzÂniÂckie Planty is a water playÂground and much more, for example a lesson about light…

Bicycle parking Stationsplein
HistoÂriÂcally, the Dutch have always been fervent cyclists. This enthuÂsiasm now brings us Bicycle parking…

Damascus Skate Park
The Damascus Skate Park gives hope to people. There really could not be any better reason for builÂding a sports and…

Polycomp Jogging Track
In a city or on a ship: PolyÂcomp Jogging Track feels good underÂfoot and is joint-friendly for the joggers and…