Gigantium Urban Space in Aalborg

Bus stop

An extremely activating design for a former loading area between two large sports halls.

Gigantium Urban Space vitalises a former loading zone between two large sports halls in Aalborg’s largest sports and cultural centre.

The Gigan­tium is Aalborg’s largest sports and cultural centre. It houses several large event halls, an ice rink, a swim­ming hall and an athle­tics hall — all with several thousand spec­tator seats.

Between these large buil­dings there are usually not very attrac­tive loading zones and traffic areas.

Assi­gned to trans­form a former loading area into a new plaza, our vision has been to create an urban space where sports and cultural life inside Gigan­tium – Aalborg’s biggest sports- and culture center – are carried further out to the outdoor space. Shades of red and white playful streaks lead people from the street into the square and give iden­tity to the concrete elements.

Gigantium Urban Space is a bus stop, an attractive place to stay and a meeting place.

Located in front of a green field with grazing sheep and a local bicycle route, the new red plaza makes a great contrast to the surroun­ding area.

The red carpet guides visi­tors to the urban plaza, invi­ting them to stop by, hang out, or play. Many shapes of rouge divide the fore­court into diffe­rent sections along with playful white lines.

When follo­wing the lines, people are met by diffe­rent rails, plateaus, steps, graphics, and gree­nery invi­ting them to sports, games, and accom­mo­da­tion. The diffe­rent expres­sions are all tied toge­ther, crea­ting an exci­ting entrance that estab­lish Gigan­tium as a place for sports and enter­tain­ment.

The extremely activating design and the playful circles, stripes and letters  encourage creative play.

Desi­gned for diffe­rent types of crea­tive games, the dynamic graphics created by Danish design studio Rama Studio gives life to the concrete space. Sket­ched with a simple white line, the circles, stripes, letters, and smileys all serve as trai­ning elements, wayfin­ding, and vibrant deco­ra­tions.

The graphics cover the diffe­rent pave­ments and facades ending in three-dimen­sional shapes to form the fitness bars and rails and the plateau land­scape.

The new urban space is a part of the new ‘Plusbus’ program in Aalborg Muni­ci­pa­lity, a new, envi­ron­men­tally friendly bus connec­tion that creates greater cohe­rence between trans­port and urban deve­lo­p­ment. A part of the assign­ment was to empha­size Gigan­tium as a ‘PlusBus’ stop desti­na­tion by crea­ting an exci­ting stop that invites passen­gers to the sports center.

Plusbus is a BRT – Bus Rapid Transit – which is a high-class bus connec­tion.

Project data


JAJA Archi­tects ApS
Heim­dals­gade 35
baghuset, 3 sal
DK — 2200 Copen­hagen N


Rama Studio
Kigkurren 8G, 3. tv.
DK — 2300 Køben­havn S

Physical address

Willy Brandts Vej 31
Dk — 9220 Aalborg




JAJA Archi­tects


Rasmus Hjortshøj/Coast Studio

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