Investing in the future

Gersthofen Skate Park



In Gerst­hofen, a fast-growing town borde­ring Augs­burg, the local skate commu­nity and the city admi­nis­tra­tion have agreed on one thing: While in many places a reno­va­tion of the outdoor pool or a new play­ground is being planned, the city of Gerst­hofen decided to invest almost 340,000 € in a new skate park featuring a bowl. But why a skate park?

Skate­boar­ding, BMX and scoo­ters have become an inte­gral part of society and repre­sent a shift to modern sporting beha­vior. A few years ago, skating was still considered a niche sport or just a hobby for rebel­lious teens. In the mean­time, the number of new users in the field of roller sports has been constantly incre­asing for years. A deve­lo­p­ment that is due to the reco­gni­tion of “Skate­boar­ding” as an Olympic disci­pline, but also due to the provi­sion of appro­priate sports faci­li­ties.


The new Gerst­hofen Skate Park was opened in June 2019. After nine months of cons­truc­tion, it replaces an outdated faci­lity.

In Gerst­hofen, modern sporting beha­vior with a trend towards indi­vi­dual sport should be promoted in a targeted manner using appro­priate infra­struc­ture. The new skate park appeals to a broad target group, can be used by a wide variety of user groups and is also intended to func­tion as a social meeting point.

In-situ concrete

Due to many advan­tages, such as resis­tance to vanda­lism and low main­ten­ance, the new plant was built comple­tely in in-situ concrete on an area of almost 1,000 m².

The company Bowl Cons­truc­tion AG, owned by Erwin Rech­steiner from Switz­er­land, was respon­sible for the plan­ning and design and has over 20 years of expe­ri­ence.

When plan­ning, great importance was atta­ched to an inte­grated design of the indi­vi­dual elements. As a result, the faci­lity by Schnee­stern lite­rally appears to be “made of one piece” and meets the requi­re­ments of the sport.


It goes without saying that you need a suitable sports faci­lity for a parti­cular sport. And these sports can only grow with good infra­struc­ture. However, skating is more than just a perfor­mance-oriented sport, it is also about the social aspect. Although skating is an indi­vi­dual sport, it is prac­ticed amongst others.

That is why indoor and outdoor skate­parks are always meeting places where social inter­ac­tions take place and people of diffe­rent age groups and social classes have fun toge­ther. Many commu­ni­ties are inte­rested in crea­ting oppor­tu­ni­ties for their children and teen­agers to promote toge­ther­ness. Thus, the skate­park can be seen as both a meaningful and contem­po­rary invest­ment in the future of society.

Skate­parks are just one of several open space design and move­ment promo­tion options offered by Schnee­stern. Visit us at the Inter­na­tional Trade Fair for Amenity Areas, Sports and Move­ment Faci­li­ties in Cologne (FSB, Hall 7.1 Stall 024) from 5th to 8th November, and discover the possi­bi­li­ties of action sport infra­struc­tures with us.

We did this.

Project data and compa­nies involved


Bowl Cons­truc­tion AG
Kreuz­lin­ger­strasse 18
CH-8566 Neuwilen


Janik Steiner
Am Tier­garten 31
D — 88339 Bad Waldsee

Steffen Vollert (Titel)


Matthias Schwarz & Marco Rues


Schnee­stern GmbH & Co. KG
Werner-von-Siemens-Str. 47
D‑87471 Durach



Bike Parks & Equipment

The Schnee­stern Cata­logue


Skate­park Gerst­hofen

D — 86368 Gerst­hofen


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