Play containers for Ukraine

Playing helps

Through play, the traumatised children of Ukraine can at least find some distraction. So play containers are a very important initiative for them.

Children in Ukraine are living through destruction and trauma. Thanks to the support of numerous organisations, new play opportunities have now been created at two locations.


The war against Ukraine has had a devas­ta­ting impact, inclu­ding, of course, for the children living there. Wars do not only cause physical destruc­tion, they also affect access to educa­tion and play. Many Ukrai­nian schools and kinder­gar­tens have been damaged or shut down.

Children in war zones suffer from psycho­lo­gical stress and trauma. The sounds of bombs and gunshots, losing loved ones and living in constant uncer­tainty leave deep marks on a child’s psyche.

This is where the importance of supporting initia­tives and aid orga­ni­sa­tions which aim to provide comfort and help — or at least distrac­tion — to children during this diffi­cult time comes into play.

An important example of these kinds of initia­tives are the Kukuk Box play contai­ners for Ukraine.

The first play area was set up in the yard of a social centre in Lviv, which is temporarily being used for displaced people.

A KuKuk Box is an attrac­tive public and flexible play and meeting place which can be set up in a short time and at a low cost.

Thanks to the support of orga­ni­sa­tions and initia­tives such as “Urban Camp Lviv”, “Notfall­päd­agogik”, “Aktion Deutsch­land hilft” and the company Hilti, new play oppor­tu­ni­ties have already been created at two loca­tions which have been parti­cu­larly affected.


The first play area was created in the yard of a social centre in Lviv, which is tempo­r­a­rily being used for displaced people. The city of Lviv is located in the west of Ukraine and is a regular target of Russian attacks.

The second play container is located in the Olek­siyiv district of Kharkiv, an area which has also been heavily affected by Russian aggres­sion. 

Next to the play­ground is a special educa­tional complex for children with hearing impairm­ents, and they now have their own play space.

A KuKuk Box offers adven­ture for all ages. There are clim­bing struc­tures and slides, play­houses and sand­boxes, reading corners and more. 

The fully-fledged play­ground encou­rages a lot of move­ment while, at the same time, offe­ring retreat areas which allow for inten­sive play – and offer protec­tion.

No excava­tion, or concrete foun­da­tions which last forever, are required to cons­truct it. This saves money and time.

The KuKuk Box is deli­vered by truck and can be set up in just a few hours.




2022 & 2023

Kukuk Box play containers are available in various versions. One of them has been specially developed for use in crisis regions.

The KuKuk Box play contai­ners are available in various versions, and one of them has been speci­ally deve­loped for use in crisis regions.

These contai­ners can also be trans­ported to more distant regions where children are in urgent need of play faci­li­ties due to war, displa­ce­ment or natural disas­ters.

Playing is not a luxury, playing is a vital elixir of life — and a human right.



Johannes Bühl­be­cker
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