Wild World

Tree house in Cascais



Remem­be­ring his child­hood, among nature, trees, and friends, this tree house was desi­gned for a grand­fa­ther who wanted to offer a new idea to his grand­children.

A simple, fami­liar and easy-to-use space that keeps contrast with tech­no­logy trends that kids are getting used to. 


This shelter was desi­gned to include three trees in the project. A Cedar that crosses the project and two Tipuan that can delimit the plat­form.

The support plat­form is supported by the three tree trunks and receives the tree house built in CLT panels and a cedar roof. 

Brave old world

The entire exte­rior of the tree house was burned to better preserve the wood and subse­quently bathed in linseed oil, allo­wing to gain a cool and raw texture.

This contrasts with a cleaner, warmer inte­rior, with a natural wood texture, lightly treated with a matte oil. The natural light openings prevail in East-West orien­ta­tion to get a better view of the sunrise and sunset.

This tree house is a little master­piece, which realises its func­tion — crea­ting space for personal deve­lo­p­ment through sports, game and retreat — in bril­liant harmony with its surroun­dings.

We did this.

Project data and compa­nies involved


Rua do Casal Quei­mado, Nº12
PT — 2750–492  Cascais

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