The “Modau Circuit” in Darmstadt

In the name of moving

The “Bewegte Modaupromenade” initiative has set itself the goal of revitalising Darmstadt-Eberstadt. The Modau Circuit is the most important project.

The course includes eleven stations, which are very well integrated with each other and correspond to scientifically proven training procedures.

The “Modau Circuit” was opened in autumn 2020. The move­ment course is a result of the “Bewegte Modau­pro­me­nade” initia­tive, which has set itself the goal of revi­ta­li­sing a 2.6 km-long green strip in the heart of Darm­stadt-Eber­stadt.

The course includes eleven stations, which are very well inte­grated with each other and corre­spond to scien­ti­fi­cally proven trai­ning proce­dures.

Boards with instruc­tions explain the exer­cises and ensure that the equip­ment is used correctly – regard­less of age, size or level of athletic ability. The move­ment course was desi­gned to be inclu­sive, so that people with disa­bi­li­ties can also use the devices.

The devices come from playfit.

The centre of the movement is the Modau Circuit – and it’s aimed at all age groups. The course was built in just one month.

Behind the Modau Circuit and the “Bewegte Modau­pro­me­nade” initia­tive are committed and persis­tent citi­zens of Eber­stadt, who not only laun­ched the entire project, but also raised half the required funds.

The project was imple­mented by Darm­stätter Sport­stätten GmbH. The cost of the project was 90,000 euros.

Eber­stadt is a picturesque, village-like district in the very south of Darm­stadt. The Modau­pro­me­nade runs through the town centre from Blumen­straße in the north to the Kao company in the south.

The “Bewegte Modau­pro­me­nade” initia­tive is aimed at conti­nuously deve­lo­ping this area and crea­ting places for inter­ge­ne­ra­tional inter­ac­tion, move­ment and socia­li­sa­tion in the fresh air.

For children and young people, the master plan envi­sages the crea­tion or reno­va­tion and expan­sion of play­grounds and foot­ball fields. For the deve­lo­p­ment of vege­ta­tion and wild­life, flowe­ring strips on the shore, landing rocks for birds and an arti­fi­ci­ally created island (Modauinsel) are planned; for sustaina­bi­lity, the plan includes a wind gene­rator, display panels, solar panels and a biogas plant.

The centre of move­ment is the Modau Circuit in the back hall – and it’s aimed at all age groups. The course was built in just one month.

The Modau Circuit was opened in October 2020, i.e. at the height of the Covid pandemic. Since this kind of system makes it easy to stay soci­ally distanced, the course was a great success from the very begin­ning.

The course also repres­ents an enormous added value for clubs. For example, TG 07 Eber­stadt, a versa­tile club in the field of move­ment and ball sports, regu­larly orga­nises courses and intro­duc­tory guides by speci­ally trained coaches.

The devices from playfit offer a gentle and holistic training program in the open air. And: This is where socialisation and togetherness are created — and this is entirely in the spirit of the movement.

The Modau Circuit consists of eleven stations: balan­cing track, ellip­tical trainer, recum­bent exer­cise bike, rowing machine, upper body trainer-pulling, upper body trainer-pushing, back trainer, shoulder trainer, abdo­minal trainer, arm pull-push-up trainer and a calis­the­nics system.

Playfit’s devices ensure a balanced mix of balance exer­cises, endu­rance and strength trai­ning, for virtually all the muscle groups of the human body.

Calis­the­nics, for example, is about exer­cises with your own weight. Regard­less of whether the goal is strength buil­ding or incre­asing indi­vi­dual fitness: calis­the­nics promotes mobi­lity, body control and the fun of move­ment.

The calis­the­nics workout can be performed at any age, weight class and perfor­mance level. And calis­the­nics offers abso­lute freedom in indi­vi­dual trai­ning. This is espe­ci­ally appe­aling to young people, so the calis­the­nics station has become a social meeting place.

The playfit fitness equip­ment is made of stain­less steel and offers prac­ti­cally unli­mited possi­bi­li­ties of use. It is easy and simple to use and can also be used in ever­yday or office clot­hing without any problems.

The devices offer a gentle and holi­stic trai­ning program in the open air. Circu­la­tion, mobi­lity and coor­di­na­tion can be trained and streng­thened in an amazingly simple and playful way in the Modau Circuit.

And: This is where socia­li­sa­tion and toge­ther­ness come from — and this is enti­rely in the spirit of the move­ment.

We did this.

Project data


playfit GmbH
Brau­er­knecht­graben 53
D — 20459 Hamburg


Darm­städter Sport­stätten GmbH

Physical address

Modau­pro­me­nade / Hinter­grund­halle
Im Hirten­grund 14
D — 64297 Darm­stadt




Odin Lott


Johannes Bühl­be­cker
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