Brighton Dome
Super Trouper
Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios
ABBA started their world career in the Brighton Dome. After extensive refurbishment, more can now follow.
Set in historic Regency gardens and adjoiÂning the famous Royal PaviÂlion, Brighton’s Grade 1 listed Corn ExchÂange and Grade 2 listed Studio Theatre have been refurÂbished by Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios for a 21st century audiÂence.
The circa £38m project makes major techÂnical and operaÂtional improÂveÂments to the venues. The project unites restores and upgrades four exisÂting builÂdings: the Corn ExchÂange, Studio Theatre, 29 New Road and the Church Street entrance, while a new link builÂding captures a former courÂtyard space, proviÂding a foyer and public and support faciÂliÂties.
EssenÂtial conserÂvaÂtion work to the listed builÂdings peels back the layers to restore hidden spaces and reveal them to the public. The brand-new foyer, top lit bar and gallery space, and a restauÂrant that opens out onto New Road improve the visitor expeÂriÂence and new toilets and circuÂlaÂtion provide better faciÂliÂties and accesÂsiÂbiÂlity for visiÂtors, perforÂmers and artists.
Brighton Dome’s remoÂdelled builÂdings give it much-needed flexiÂbiÂlity in terms of layout, seating, infraÂstrucÂture and accesÂsiÂbiÂlity – alloÂwing a wider range of artists and perforÂmers to come to Brighton. A new creaÂtive space — called Anita’s Room — is also available for artists and commuÂnity groups to use for workÂshops, meetings and rehearÂsals.
Brighton Dome’s Concert Hall and Corn ExchÂange were the first Regency builÂdings in Brighton, heralÂding a new era for the town. From riding stables for a Prince, to a place of protest for SuffraÂgettes, to a tempoÂrary hospital in World War I, to the stage that launÂched ABBA to global fame, Brighton Dome has had many lives. It is now the South coast’s leading multi-arts venue, committed to driving a thriÂving creaÂtive culture across the region.
The Corn ExchÂange was pioneeÂring archiÂtecÂture from the outset. A column free timber strucÂture, it measures 54m x 18m x 10m and can accomÂmoÂdate 505 seated (max. capaÂcity) and 1291 stanÂding (max. capaÂcity) incluÂding perforÂmers and staff.
Working with theatre experts and skilled craftÂspeople, the ceilings have been removed to reveal the original timber roof strucÂture, and the original character of the builÂding restored. Windows along the west side have been opened up, and their original decoÂraÂtive timber linings reveÂaled and restored using speciaÂlist craft skills and workÂmanÂship, conserÂving the character of the remarÂkable 1806 inteÂrior.
The better equipped Corn ExchÂange can now host a diverse range of uses, from dance and music perforÂmances to banqueÂting, exhiÂbiÂtions, meetings, graduaÂtion cereÂmoÂnies and celeÂbraÂtions. New interÂvenÂtions include new sub-floor storage, suspended rigging, a new north-end balcony which conceals a 232 seat retracÂtable bleaÂcher seating unit and an entiÂrely new ventiÂlaÂtion system using heat-exchÂange techÂnoÂlogy that optiÂmises the re-use of energy within the venue.
Opening up the west side windows to the Corn ExchÂange introÂduces borrowed daylight through the new public foyer and gallery and also opens up views into the Corn ExchÂange from the gallery and Studio Theatre foyer, creaÂting a dialogue between the audiÂences of the diffeÂrent spaces.
The Studio Theatre is housed in a Grade II listed 1930s, former supper room, that hosts 225 seats for more intiÂmate perforÂmances, spoken word and rehearÂsals.
The theatre has been renoÂvated and replanned to improve capaÂcity in a more flexible arranÂgeÂment, with the addiÂtion of side balcoÂnies. A new lift and escape stair enable the Theatre to have its own accesÂsible foyer space with views through the windows of the Corn ExchÂange. New dresÂsing rooms and techÂnical infraÂstrucÂture dramaÂtiÂcally improve the usabiÂlity of the faciÂlity.
The ground floor of the Studio Theatre BuilÂding is occuÂpied by a public restauÂrant, operaÂting indeÂpendently of the venues.
The new foyer and gallery connects the exisÂting builÂdings, adding key faciÂliÂties for audiÂences and perforÂmers to unite the venues and improve the expeÂriÂence for all.
Corn Exchange
Studio Theatre
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Project data
Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios
Brighton Dome & Brighton Festival Ltd and Brighton & Hove City Council
Brighton Dome
Church Street

Brighton Dome from FCBStuÂdios on Vimeo.
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