The Quzhou Stadium 

Where does the landscape end?

The Quzhou stadium breaks away from conventional sports architecture — through its reference to the surrounding landscape. And through beauty.

Visitors here can decide where the landscape ends and the building begins.

Completed by MAD Archi­tects in the summer of 2022, Quzhou Stadium is the centre­piece of the almost seven-hectare Quzhou Sports Park in Zhejiang Province. Quzhou is a histo­rical city 400 km southwest of Shanghai.

We already presented the entire project in draft form in 2018.

Despite its considerable capa­city of 30,000 seats, the Quzhou Stadium blends in breath­ta­kingly with the surroun­ding land­scape – and opens up to the surroun­ding public space from almost every angle.

Visi­tors can decide for them­selves where the land­scape ends and the buil­ding begins. Behind each eleva­tion is a buil­ding which fits seam­lessly into its surroun­dings. The various hills and knolls are all man-made struc­tures which include trai­ning grounds, a sports hall, a swim­ming pool and a science and tech­no­logy museum.

The half-buried stadium is crowned by a white, crown-shaped roof struc­ture with a diameter of 250 m, which the Serge Ferrari Group covered with two layers of PTFE membranes.

With the translucent membrane material, the complex geometry of the widely stretched supporting structure can also easily be accomplished literally.

The roofs all have complex, double-curved surfaces. The canopy is supported by only nine drop points with a maximum span of 95 meters, so that the buil­ding “hovers” over the land­scape and offers framed perspec­tives of the city from multiple angles.

The 60 concrete columns supporting the stadium are made of exposed concrete slabs with wood grain. Despite the size of the shapes and mate­rials, this creates a feeling of warmth and texture.

The roof is made from steel, onto which a trans­lu­cent, light-emit­ting membrane mate­rial was wound. So the complex geometry of the widely stret­ched supporting struc­ture can also easily be accom­plished lite­rally.

The trans­lu­cent PTFE membrane made from synthetic polymer not only takes the weight off the monu­mental steel struc­ture, it also improves the acou­stics throug­hout the stadium. The upper surface of the canopy is made from a firmer PTFE membrane from Serge Ferrari Group, which prevents rain­water coming through.

The under­side of the struc­ture has been equipped with more than 40,800 m² of PTFE coated glass mesh fabric, also from Serge Ferrari Group, a PTFE membrane with fire resis­tance class A, which meets the stric­test fire safety stan­dards.

In addi­tion to its tech­nical quali­ties, this struc­ture also gives the project an enormous aesthetic appeal. The result is remi­nis­cent of a field of clouds gliding gently over the hills.

The mean­de­ring geometry conti­nues inside the stadium. The seats are arranged in waves and are in rela­tion to the surroun­ding land­scape, which is enhanced by the green tones of the bucket seats – and forms a beau­tiful contrast to the white roof struc­ture.

At the Quzhou Stadium, the pursuit of sustainability is also striking in terms of design.

Quzhou Stadium was desi­gned with some eye-catching aspects of sustaina­bi­lity in mind.

Large openings into the land­scape ensure that natural light can come into the parking garage and the entrance levels of the stadium. The entire stadium is desi­gned to absorb, store and seep rain­water. This also protects the buil­ding from exces­sive rain damage and leads to lower tempe­ra­ture fluc­tua­tions and lower energy consump­tion.

Apart from the spec­tator seats and the playing field, almost all the faci­li­ties are located under the surface of the earth.

In addi­tion, all the concrete mate­rials used on the cons­truc­tion site were produced on site, so the CO2 foot­print asso­ciated with the mate­rial trans­port was mini­mised during the entire cons­truc­tion process.

The Quzhou Stadium and the entire Quzhou Sports Park are moving away from conventional sports architecture.

The opening of the Quzhou Stadium marks the end of the first of two cons­truc­tion phases of the Quzhou Sports Park. Next, there will be a sports hall with 10,000 seats, a swim­ming pool (2,000 seats), a science and tech­no­logy museum, hotels, a youth centre and retail outlets.

The combi­na­tion of nature and archi­tec­ture, from the digging of large parts of the buil­ding to the roof membranes of Serge Ferrari, create a unique urban land­scape.

The Quzhou Stadium and the entire Quzhou Sports Park are moving away from conven­tional sports archi­tec­ture. Despite all the size and filigree character of the struc­tures and mate­rials, it is the refe­rence to the surroun­ding land­scape and the subtle inner beauty of the stadium which make it so excep­tional.

In the best possible sense.

Project data


MAD Archi­tects


Quzhou West District Deve­lo­p­ment Committee
Quzhou Baoye Sports Cons­truc­tion and Opera­tion Co., Ltd


Serge Ferrari Group
Auf der Kaiser­bitz 3
D — 51147 Köln

Physical address

2 Tiyuchang Rd
Kecheng District
Quzhou, Zhejiang,
China, 324003




CreatAR Images ©MAD Archi­tect
Arch Exist ©MAD Archi­tectss
Aogvi­sion ©MAD Archi­tects


Johannes Bühl­be­cker
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