Georges Pompidou gymnasium

Community centre

A place of multiple uses in a dense urban context — and in dialogue with the city. The sports hall as a community centre.

The Gymnase Georges Pompidou is a link between the city’s historical heritage and the ambitions of its future development.

The recon­s­truc­tion of the Pompidou gymna­sium is a key phase in the rege­ne­ra­tion of a rapidly chan­ging neigh­bor­hood in Cour­be­voie. Taking advan­tage of its remar­kable loca­tion at the corner of the two major axes of the City, the project assumes an essen­tial func­tion of urban repair between the hete­ro­ge­neous buil­ding heights, a link between the histo­rical heri­tage of the City and the ambi­tion of future faci­li­ties.

The general sobriety of the buil­ding volume contri­butes to its urban inte­gra­tion and gives it the forma­lity of a public buil­ding.

The project chall­enge was to inte­grate a large number of func­tions and spaces within a small site: sports acti­vi­ties (sports hall with stands, dojo, trai­ning room, dance studio, outdoor playing fields), cultural acti­vi­ties (music rooms dedi­cated to the muni­cipal harmonic orchestra) but also the relo­cated muni­cipal public gardens service.

The building mainly houses sports activities: a sports hall with bleachers, a dojo hall, a training room, a dance studio and also outdoor courts.

The coexis­tence of these three enti­ties responds to very diffe­rent opera­tional cons­traints, hence the exch­ange with the extreme and neces­sary compact­ness of the buil­ding.

The proposal is based on the rational super­po­si­tion of these func­tions on three readily acces­sible levels. These access routes adapt to diffe­rent publics while provi­ding views and trans­pa­ren­cies over the entire project areas.

Large windows on the ground floor give pedestrians a good view of the interior, while the glazed areas on the upper floor offer perspectives of the neighbourhood.

The buil­ding engages in an inti­mate dialogue with the City which projects inside and, at the same time, opens out to its surroun­dings: large windows on the ground floor provide the passer-by with an exten­sive view of the acti­vity within the rooms, the fully glazed upstairs recep­tion areas over­look the neigh­bor­hood.

The general buil­ding volume is composed of hori­zontal layers — alter­na­ting white concrete facing block and full-height glazed openings — which contri­bute to the unified project.

Project data


Enia Archi­tectes
46 rue de Lagny 93
F — 100 Montreuil


Ville de Cour­be­voie

Physical address

Gymnase Georges Pompidou
11 Rue Fica­tier 9
F — 92400 Cour­be­voie




Jérôme Epail­lard & Teresa Machado


Enia Archi­tectes



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