Diversity through standard

Play contai­ners on the rise






Contai­ners are stan­dar­dised. Play contai­ners have many advan­tages because of this.

Due to their stan­dar­dised form, contai­ners can be shipped to any place in the world for little money. Due to their stable frame cons­truc­tion and their flexi­bi­lity, they can also be used very well as a frame­work and outer shell for a variety of play and leisure faci­li­ties.

Play contai­ners like the KuKuk Box can be used both tempo­r­a­rily and perma­nently — and they are beco­ming more and more common.

Temporary use

When cities and muni­ci­pa­li­ties build or reno­vate (for example schools or kinder­gar­tens), they often need tempo­rary faci­li­ties.  These are usually located on dere­lict sites without child-friendly infra­struc­ture. A play container can quickly provide a solu­tion.

Just as well, the KuKuk Box can be dismantled and reas­sem­bled at a new loca­tion without much effort in case of a move or an upco­ming change of use of a site.

These play contai­ners are even used for events or for shorter periods of time.

KuKuk Box play contai­ners do not require a buil­ding permit and can also be rented on a tempo­rary basis.

Permanent use

The KuKuk Box can also be used as a perma­nent, attrac­tive public play struc­ture. This is parti­cu­larly useful if a versa­tile play faci­lity is to be created in a short time and for little money.

Play contai­ners can be placed on all planned surfaces, inclu­ding roofs and car parks. They are extre­mely low-main­ten­ance. Time-consuming and costly expenses for plan­ning, appli­ca­tions, excava­tions and foun­da­tions are comple­tely elimi­nated.

Not bad either: the KuKuk Box can be set up in about two hours.


The play contai­ners offer exci­ting areas for all age groups: There are clim­bing struc­tures up to the roof, roof houses, craw­ling tunnels, balan­cing courses, slides, play houses, seating plat­forms, sand­boxes, reading corners and much more. There is also seating for parents and nursery school teachers.

The KuKuk Box lives through its users. It is equipped with mate­rials such as round, square and sawn timber, fasteners, ropes and paints that allow it to be expanded as desired. This means that schools, kinder­gar­tens and social insti­tu­tions are free to design the play container them­selves.

The fully-fledged play­ground encou­rages a lot of move­ment and also offers retreat areas that allow inten­sive play — no matter what the weather.


ISO 668 applies to sea freight contai­ners, which have a frame struc­ture that can be used very well as a support element for the cons­truc­tion of foun­da­tion-free play­grounds. No excavated earth or concrete foun­da­tions cast for eter­nity are needed for cons­truc­tion. This saves money and time. It is also sustainable, of course.

The contai­ners are made of resistant COR-TEN steel. The walls are made of trape­zo­idal sheet steel, the floors are made of plywood.

The finish is high-quality and robust. The hardest woods and weather­proof, rust­proof stain­less steel connec­tions are used. For the fixtures, sapwood-free, weather-resistant robinia wood is used because of its natural robust­ness.


The slides are made of durable, UV-resistant stain­less steel (V2A).

The nets and ropes are custom-made from extre­mely strong Hercules rope (shea­thed steel ropes). This is a craft still prac­tised by only very few manu­fac­tu­rers in Germany. The mate­rial is charac­te­rised by high colour fast­ness and abra­sion resis­tance.

Coloured Plexi­glas gives the children an inten­sive colour expe­ri­ence. It looks very good, the mate­rial is weather and age resistant as well as enorm­ously UV resistant.

Safety and sustainability

The KuKuk Box play contai­ners are built accor­ding to the safety stan­dard DIN EN 1176 and are indi­vi­du­ally approved by inde­pen­dent, certi­fied experts (e.g. TüV) for public play areas.

When the play contai­ners are no longer to be used, the manu­fac­turer will take them back and create some­thing new from the mate­rials. Some call it a manu­fac­turer take-back guarantee, others call it sustaina­bi­lity.

Many cities, muni­ci­pa­li­ties and commu­ni­ties that started with the purchase of a KuKuk Box are now owners of several play contai­ners. Such a ” store ” also makes the plan­ning of recon­s­truc­tions or refur­bish­ments much easier.

About KuKuk

The KuKuk Box was deve­loped by an expe­ri­enced team of artists, archi­tects, carpen­ters, metal­wor­kers and educa­tors.

The aim and result of this deve­lo­p­ment were and are inex­pen­sive and sustainable play faci­li­ties of ecolo­gical value, which at the same time meet the highest func­tional and aesthetic demands. Of course, they should also be fun.

This has worked out well. Very well, in fact.

We did this.

Project data

Play containers

KuKuk Box GmbH
Rosen­wies­straße 17
D — 70567 Stutt­gart


KuKuk Box GmbH


Johannes Bühl­be­cker
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