Form follows shuttlecock

Kura Kura in Bali




IBUKU + Studio Jenc­quel


Kura Kura is the name of a buil­ding that houses a badminton court and has a floor surface of over 200 square meters.

Inspired by the shape of a tortoise shell, the large bamboo struc­ture was desi­gned and built in a colla­bo­ra­tion between Ibuku and Studio Jenc­quel. The court is priva­tely owned by Maxi­mi­lian Jenc­quel and was completed in 2016.


The pavi­lion is built enti­rely from bamboo (struc­ture and all roofing), except for the floor, which is from a special rubber resin.

It was Studio Jencquel’s initial concept to conceive a convex roof­line that would solve some of the ergo­nomic requi­re­ments needed for an indoor badminton court. At the center of the court, above the net, a height of 9m is required, and ther­e­fore the ceiling of this court was to mimic the trajec­tory of a shuttle-cock, resul­ting in a turtle-like curved shape.


Other conside­ra­tions affec­ting the shape and height of this roof where the need to allow airflow for cooling, while simul­ta­neously stop­ping the wind, which would inter­fere with the shuttlecock’s flight.

That’s why the buil­dings orien­ta­tion was posi­tioned in conside­ra­tion of the predo­mi­nant wind patterns, and the roof almost grazes the ground on two of its extre­mi­ties. Bamboo was the obvious choice for such an orga­ni­cally shaped buil­ding in the tropics. ⁠


Studio Jencquel’s founder Maxi­mi­lian Jenc­quel approa­ched his friend Elora Hardy, the most expe­ri­enced and profes­sional bamboo designers/ buil­ders on Bali (and probably the world) to help design a struc­ture for the afore­men­tioned concept.

Elora and her team came up with this intri­guing, basket-like woven struc­ture, which they not only conceived, but also built with their amazing team of bamboo carpen­ters. ⁠

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Project data


Studio Jenquel
Jalan Raya Sang­gingan
Banjar Lungs­iakan
Ubud-Gianyar 80571
Bali, Indo­ne­sien

Construction management

Elora Hardy — IBUKU Studio

Project team

QL Inge­niería
María José González Vicente
José María López Llaquet
Bauun­ter­nehmen: TECOPSA

Physical address

Jalan Raya Sang­gingan
Bali, Indo­ne­sien





Studio Jenquel



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