Bocconi Sport Center

Bella Milano

Four floors of sports facility with a well-equipped swimming pool at the centre.

The indoor swimming pool is the heart of this sustainable sports centre in the middle of Università Bocconi.

The new campus of Bocconi Univer­sity, desi­gned by Japan’s SANAA Archi­tects includes a well equipped athletic centre that features a new Myrtha Aqua­tics complex!

The full area of the new campus is appro­xi­m­ately 35,000m², but almost half of that space is open and green and welco­ming. The 18,000m² of new campus buil­dings include a 300-room student resi­dence, the new head­quar­ters of the SDA Bocconi School of Manage­ment, and the new multi-level athletic centre. The new centre includes fitness spaces, two basket­ball and volley­ball gymna­siums and an elevated running track.

Then, of course, there’s the water. As a magni­fi­cent main feature of the centre, Myrtha Pools has installed a 25 m trai­ning pool and a fully equipped 50 m Olympic pool. And, Myrtha Well­ness has been respon­sible for outfit­ting the Virgin Active Well­ness Centre.

The gorgeous, well-equipped pool meets all FINA competition standards and is ideal for training and competition.

The jewel of the sports faci­lity is the new Myrtha aquatic centre, open to both students and the commu­nity. Visible from the hall of the buil­ding, the view from above high­lights the beauty of the Olympic pool, equipped with Myrtha’s split, movable bulk­head.

The two-piece bulk­head makes it simple to confi­gure the pool for multiple uses. The gorgeous, well-equipped pool meets all FINA compe­ti­tion stan­dards and is ideal for trai­ning and compe­ti­tion in swim­ming, water polo, and artistic swim­ming.

In addi­tion to the Olympic compe­ti­tion pool, the faci­lity also includes a Myrtha 25 m trai­ning pool, perfect for lane swim­ming, Aquagym, Aquabike and other aquatic fun; and it’s also home to a well­ness centre that includes a steam bath, sauna, Jacuzzi and emotional showers provided by Myrtha Well­ness.

In addition to all the technical refinements, the swimming hall is a real eye-catcher.

The Olympic Pool, measu­ring in at 51.5 m (50 m, plus the width of the bulk­head), is equipped with state-of-the-art tech­no­lo­gies inclu­ding an advanced lighting system and the Ange­lEye under­water drow­ning detec­tion system.

Addi­tio­nally, two lanes in the compe­ti­tion pool have been equipped with the Virtual Trainer, an intel­li­gent LED system that allows swim­mers to follow precisely programmed trai­ning speeds set by their coaches.

In addi­tion to all the tech­nical refi­ne­ments, the swim­ming hall is a real eye-catcher. Its beauty can already be admired from the entrance level above.

The Bocconi Sport Center already is the object of admiration at the Università Bocconi. All over Europe.

The new Bocconi campus was created with commit­ment to sustaina­bi­lity. Myrtha’s modular stain­less-steel pool system reduces CO2 emis­sions by up to 50% compared to a tradi­tional concrete tank. And Myrtha’s many envi­ron­mental advan­tages are evidenced by contri­bu­tions to inter­na­tional sustaina­bi­lity and energy effi­ci­ency certi­fi­ca­tions like LEED, BREEAM and Green Star.

In the case of the Bocconi campus, the Myrtha Rese­arch & Deve­lo­p­ment team went to work on a plan to reduce water consump­tion in the new faci­lity. An algo­rithm was deve­loped that analyses water quality data as well as the number of accesses (or, swim­mers), and can pro-actively reduce water consump­tion while main­tai­ning optimal water quality.

The Bocconi Sport Center is open to both students and the public. Its archi­tec­tural, economic and ecolo­gical quality have turned it into an attrac­tion that Univer­sità Bocconi is already being envied for. All over Europe.

Project data


Kazuyo Sejima + Ryue Nishi­zawa


Univer­sita’ Commer­ciale Luigi Bocconi, Milano


Myrtha Pools


Aqua­more Bocconi Sport Center
Viale Toscana, 30
I — 20136 Milano MI


Yoshitaka Tanase, Fran­cesca Singer, Nicolo Bertino, Lucy Styles, Enrico Armellin, Serena Di Giuliano

Archi­tekt vor Ort:
Costa Zani­belli Asso­ciati 


Myrtha Pools




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