Pizza precisamente

Tenri Station Plaza CoFuFun


CoFuFun enri­ches the form­erly inhos­pi­table train station area of Tenri with a wide range of new uses such as play­ground, library and street café. The danger of missing the train is likely to have increased since it opened in 2017. Tenri is a city located in Nara Prefec­ture, Japan. The city has an esti­mate popu­la­tion of 67,000 and about 30,000 house­holds. Before starting this project, the space in front of the train station was a place people just passed by on their way to or from work in nearby Osaka. The commu­nity decided that it was time for a change, and held a design compe­ti­tion to enliven the site. Nendo won.


Tenri’s urban boun­da­ries include a number of ancient Japa­nese tombs, known as “cofun”. The cofun are beau­tiful and unmista­keable, but blend into the spaces of ever­yday life in the city. The plaza’s land­scape, richly punc­tuated by several of these cofun, is a repre­sen­ta­tion of the area’s charac­te­ristic geography: the Nara Basin, surrounded by moun­tains on all sides. The plan for the 6,000 square meter area includes bicycle rentals, a cafe and other shops, an infor­ma­tion kiosk, a play area, outdoor stages, and meeting areas. The project goal was to encou­rage local commu­nity revi­ta­li­sa­tion by provi­ding a space for events, tourist infor­ma­tion tomband leisure faci­li­ties for local resi­dents. The cons­truc­tion tech­nique used to create the plaza’s round cofun struc­tures consisted of fitting toge­ther pieces of a precast concrete mould resembling a huge pizza. Because precast concrete moulds are formed at the factory and then assem­bled onsite, the resul­ting struc­tures are precise and the same mould can be used multiple times, ensu­ring excel­lent cost-perfor­mance. The pre-formed parts are pieced toge­ther like buil­ding blocks using the same massive cranes used to build bridges. Large spaces can be formed without the use of columns or beams, and because of the round shape the well-balanced struc­tures offer stabi­lity against forces applied from any direc­tion.


nendo 7–2‑21–6F Akasaka Minato-ku Tokyo 107‑0052 Japan


Tenri Community


Tenri Station Square Kofufun 803 Kawaharajocho Tenri, Nara Prefecture 632‑0016 Japan

Aerial view

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Takumi Ota Daici Ano Tadashi Endo


Takahisa Araki, Toru Shiomi, mindo




The cofun’s diffe­rent levels serve a variety of purposes: they’re stairs, but also benches for sitting, fences to enclose playing children, the cafe and stage roofs, shelves for displaying products and the night­time lighting effect, which floods the plaza with light. This variety creates an envi­ron­ment that encou­rages visi­tors to explore and spend time in diffe­rent spaces within the plaza, rather than limi­ting their move­ment to one place. It’s an “ambi­guous” space that’s enti­rely a cafe, a play­ground and a massive piece of furni­ture, all at once:

  • A play space for children
  • a lounge and study space for reading books
  • a stage that can be used for concerts or public scree­nings
  • Tenri souve­nirs shop

The name

The plaza’s name, CoFuFun, combines the main design motif, the cofun, with collo­quial Japa­nese expres­sions. “Fufun” refers to happy, uncon­scious humming: the design for the plaza should offer a convi­vial atmo­sphere that uncon­sciously leads visi­tors to hum, happily, while they’re there. The alphabet spel­ling, “CoFuFun”, also brings in the “co-” of “coope­ra­tion” and “commu­nity”, as well as – of course – “fun” itself. The result is a name whose Japa­nese and alphabet spel­lings mean similar things, so that foreign visi­tors to the plaza will under­stand it in the same way, too.


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