A warm identity

Stade Vincent Pascucci




Barthé­lémy Griño Archi­tectes


To the west of Paris, beyond the La Défense finan­cial district, the city of Nanterre has been making a concerted effort to rede­velop its aban­doned indus­trial proper­ties.

Bordered by a prison, an elec­trical plant and a highway, ever­y­thing would seem to indi­cate a poor future for this former indus­trial flood plain, except that it is at this point, near the highway over­pass, that a connec­tion could best be made between the city and the Seine.

The main sporting acti­vi­ties are fooball, rugby and archery.

Two lines

The low-density occu­pa­tion of the surroun­ding area neces­si­tated a large-scale orga­ni­sa­tion of the site as a whole.

The project consists of two lines that delineate the land­scape and incor­po­rate the various programs. In the axis of the over­pass, a walkway raised on top of an earth berm cuts along the edge of the site, atte­nua­ting the impact of the prison walls and offe­ring a direct path to the Seine.


The two grand­stands are set into its slope and the locker rooms and service spaces are located beneath.

A second line takes the form of an animated pali­sade that projects perpen­di­cular to the base of the first and extends along the route of the highway. It forms an enclo­sure for the bow and arrow range as well as the custodian’s living quar­ters and storage space.

Warm identity

In a coun­ter­point to the harsh­ness of the site, Douglas pine provides a warm unifying cons­truc­tive iden­tity to the project.

The pali­sade is clad with a tradi­tional system of vertical struts, backed by boards when inte­rior enclo­sure is neces­sary, and left open to form a screen around the bow-and-arrow range.


More struc­tu­rally complex, the grand­stand roofs are made up of a string of butterfly frames, hung out on a series of wooden masts and tied back by a succes­sion of galva­nised steel columns. Clad with clear poly­car­bo­nate, their regular bows form a lumi­nous and peren­nial canopy.

We did this.

Project data


Barthé­lémy Griño Archi­tectes
68 rue de la Folie Méri­court
F — 75011 Paris 


Mairie de Nanterre

Project team

Land­scape archi­tect: Agence TER
Cons­truc­tion manage­ment: RFR

Physical address

Stade Vincent Pascucci
135 av de la Commune de Paris
F — 92000 Nanterre




Helene Binet
Bernard Tabou­reau
Phil­ippe Ruault


Barthé­lémy Griño Archi­tectes


Plans + Details


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