All summer long

St. Moritz Altitude Training and Competition Centre

Krähenbühl Architects
Walter Bieler Engineering


St. Moritz is inter­na­tio­nally known for its Alti­tude Trai­ning and Compe­ti­tion Centre (HTWZ) for athle­tics and for its good trai­ning condi­tions. This, ther­e­fore, brings many elite athletes, triath­letes, runners and racing cyclists to the loca­tion each year. In order to take a further step towards impro­ving the infra­struc­ture, a compe­ti­tion was orga­nized by the muni­ci­pa­lity in 2017, which was won by Walter Bieler and Georg Krähen­bühl. They convinced the compe­ti­tion jury of the St. Moritz Alti­tude Trai­ning and Compe­ti­tion Centre (HTWZ) – which consists of a pavi­lion and a warehouse – with their outstan­ding design.

The mobile pavilion

Since the St. Moritz Alti­tude Trai­ning and Compe­ti­tion Centre is geared towards compe­ti­tion trai­ning for summer sports and the polo field must also be available for other events in winter, the chan­ging room buil­ding was desi­gned as a tempo­rary buil­ding and mobile cons­truc­tion. For example, the pavi­lion can be set up at the finish line in spring and dismantled again in the autumn. A speci­ally deve­loped joining prin­ciple for the elements makes this possible.

St. Moritz Alti­tude Trai­ning and Compe­ti­tion Centre was tailor-made for this loca­tion and use. “In order to improve places, we need to engage sensi­tively with our surroun­dings and require a specific archi­tec­ture.” This is the philo­sophy of the archi­tect Georg Krähen­bühl, which is reflected in the award-winning cons­truc­tion project.

The clad warehouse

Another buil­ding was erected to store the indi­vi­dual parts of the tempo­rary pavi­lion and to store the sports equip­ment for the athle­tics acti­vi­ties. The new warehouse is in the imme­diate vici­nity of St. Karl Borro­mäus church. The church is an important cultural and histo­rical legacy for St Moritz Bad. “Cons­truc­tion is also a cultural mission,” says Walter Bieler. The inter­ac­tion with this buil­ding was an important concern for the two men from Grisons during project deve­lo­p­ment.

In addi­tion to the func­tion­a­lity of the HTWZ, its archi­tec­tural quality is central. The hori­zontal and vertical stag­ge­ring of the volume makes the buil­ding more complex and, at the same time, makes the various uses inside clear. The appearance of the purely func­tional buil­ding is refined by clad­ding with wood shin­gles made of Enga­dine larch. Further­more, thanks to the home­grown clad­ding, it blends authen­ti­cally into the surroun­dings.

The “best architects” award

The quality of the Grisons buil­ding project has now been honored with the “best archi­tects 21” award in the infra­struc­ture buil­dings cate­gory.

We did this.

Project data


Krähen­bühl Archi­tekten Studio
Inge­nieur Büro Walter Bieler


Commu­nity of St. Moritz




Laura Egger  


Krähen­bühl Archi­tekten Studio

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