Special guest at the World Heritage Site

Pavillon d’Eau at Lake Geneva


The Pavillon d’Eau is a tempo­rary pavi­lion made of wood and porce­lain build on the Lake Geneva in 2017. It has been realized within the scope of a final Master Project at École poly­tech­nique fédé­rale de Lausanne (EPFL). It is an achie­ve­ment born out of the colla­bo­ra­tion of two main Swiss univer­si­ties, EPFL and Haute école d’art et de design – Genève (HEAD) with the muni­ci­pa­lity of Saint Saphorin (393 inha­bi­tants).

Desi­gned by EPFL student Alex­ander Wolhoff, the pavi­lion is the outcome of six months of rese­arch, of proto­ty­ping and the dialogue between diffe­rent local and acade­mical actors. Born at EPFL and more parti­cu­larly in the labo­ra­to­ries ALICE and LHT3, the project was also led by a part­ner­ship with the CERCCO labo­ra­tory (HEAD), where the porce­lain tiles where hand made one by one. The thic­k­ness of the tiles varies between 1.3 mm and 2mm; the 150 pieces measure 213mm on 293mm.


The UNESCO World Heri­tage Site muni­ci­pa­lity of Saint-Saphorin en Lavaux hosted the ephemeral pavi­lion; the cupola brin­ging toge­ther wood and porce­lain for one month at the lake of Geneve. The scope was to propose a pavi­lion that brings out Lavaux’s heri­tage and valo­rises its crystal­line relief composed by waves and alpine crests. The whole project has been thought to leave no imprints on the site at all. The anchors are non aggres­sive to the lake’s bed. If the exte­rior of the pavi­lion has a struc­tural language, the inside, which is only visible foots in the water, is orna­mental. The porce­lain tiles – enameled Bleu de Sèvre– and their parti­cular form play with both sunbeams’ and lake’s refrac­tion as an attempt to capture the site’s glare.


Alex­ander Wolhoff
École poly­tech­nique fédé­rale de Lausanne


EPFL: D. Dietz, Raffel Baur
LHT3; R. Gargiani, Me R. Fiechter
HEAD: M. Gerber, I.Schnederle, J‑P. Greff.


Alex­ander Wolhoff


Alex­ander Wolhoff


Lake of Geneva (Léman)
Plage des Bains Reymon
CH — Saint-Saphorin

Aerial view

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