A kind of magic

Oxygen Park in Doha

Aecom & Arup


Taking the elemental life-force of oxygen as its inspi­ra­tion, Oxygen Park, is a unique public space desi­gned for health and well­being in a desert envi­ron­ment. It has been created with the local commu­nity in mind, provi­ding an open space in which to exer­cise, rest, and play.


Oxygen Park is inspired by the wind eroded rocks and fluid land forma­tions of the desert. The path and running tracks are embedded in the topo­graphy to create an exci­ting trai­ning ground with looping tracks, cooled tunnel segments, and steep hills.


The night-time lighting scheme and refres­hing water features provide an attrac­tive setting for evening sports acti­vi­ties and indi­vi­dual work-outs during cooler hours of the day.


Oxygen Park features shaded running tracks, subter­ra­nean pitches for team sports, equestrian faci­li­ties, as well as more gentle recrea­tion areas with a series of sound­scape-filled, refres­hing folly spheres.

A touch of magic

The ‘balloon lights’ floa­ting above the subter­ra­nean grounds make the park visible from afar and add a touch of magic to the setting.

Oxygen Park is a man-made ‘green lung’ with a design inspired by nature. It is an anti­dote to the generic indoor gym envi­ron­ment and helps people to get back to nature, while foste­ring social enga­ge­ment and promo­ting active healthy life­styles.

We did this.

Compa­nies involved and project data


AECOM & Arup

AECOM Director: Erik Behrens (Archi­tec­ture Design Lead), Mark Black­well, James Haig Streeter (Land­scape Design Lead), Warren Osborne, Kevin Under­wood

AECOM Team: Philip Dugdale, Alfredo Galindo, Eric Hall­quist, Shafee Jones-Wilson, Wing Lai, James Manuel, John Neilson, Jona­thon Reeves, Adam Rothwell, Jason Shinoda, Stephen Suen, Jack Wu


Educa­tion City
Ar Rayyan


Erik Behrens


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