Lurup Neighborhood School

New ways

An impressive new building that is home to a neighborhood school and a neighborhood center based on the Scandinavian model.

After a good three years of construction, roughly 1000 pupils and 120 teachers moved into the accessible school building.

Global archi­tec­tural firm Behnisch Archi­tekten have desi­gned an impres­sive new build on behalf of the city of Hamburg in Lurup, compri­sing a school and commu­nity centre after the Scan­di­na­vian model.

After a good three years of cons­truc­tion, roughly 1000 pupils and 120 teachers moved into the acces­sible school buil­ding, which includes a sports and multi­pur­pose hall.

The curved new build of some 14,000 m² is elegant, under­stated and welco­ming, and holds 36 class­rooms and specia­list rooms on three floors. The balco­nies that run around the buil­ding and the almost enti­rely glazed facade present an open and trans­pa­rent appearance.
The new build is also home to the so-called Commu­nity School (LURUM), which aims to improve the future pros­pects and educa­tional oppor­tu­ni­ties of the young people of Lurup and their fami­lies beyond school. After the Scan­di­na­vian model, the new commu­nity centre combines educa­tional and extra­cur­ri­cular faci­li­ties for all gene­ra­tions.

Previously the school was spread over three campuses. The fact that all year groups are now under the one roof is a perfect realisation of the school’s inclusive design.

The multi­pur­pose room, canteen, media centre and sports halls are located off the school’s central foyer on the ground floor. The first floor contains class­rooms, the teachers’ wing with indi­vi­dual offices, rooms for school social work, a room for parent meetings, a first-aid room as well as a lounge for teaching staff and a library.
Previously the school was spread over three campuses. The fact that all year groups are now under the one roof is a perfect reali­sa­tion of the school’s inclu­sive design.
Multi-profes­sional teams of specia­list and special educa­tion teachers support the children and young people indi­vi­du­ally accor­ding to their educa­tional needs, help them to obtain their school leaving certi­fi­cates and also promote social lear­ning.

The light-colored acoustic panels from Troldtekt GmbH fit perfectly into the overall design concept and optimize the acoustic conditions, both in the classrooms and in the sports halls.

This inclu­sive, open and inno­va­tive approach is also evident inside the new build. Natural light abounds in the large foyer thanks to the glass facade and a skylight. The broad steps and curved corri­dors create a cheery, relaxed feel.

The corri­dors between the specia­list rooms are divided up and equipped with special seating in such a way that they can also be used by study groups if neces­sary.

Attrac­tive colour accents in deep red and yellow hues provide a vibrant contrast to the light floors and acou­stic ceilings from Trold­tekt.

Project data


Behnisch Archi­tekten
Rote­bühl­straße 163A
D — 70197 Stutt­gart


SBH | Schulbau Hamburg

Acoustic ceiling

Trold­tekt GmbH
Frie­senweg 4 · Haus 12
D — 22763 Hamburg

Physical address

Stadt­teil­schule Lurup
Flur­straße 15
D — 22549 Hamburg




Dipl.-Ing. Archi­tekt Olaf Wiechers
Büro für Archi­tektur  +  Medi­en­dienst­leis­tungen
Klaus-Groth-Str. 1
D — 21629 Neu Wulmstorf



Olaf Wiechers
David Matthiessen

© David Mathiesen

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