Ludwig Weber School in Frankfurt

Together not alone

Ludwig Weber School promotes communication and openness — including thanks to good acoustics.

Ludwig Weber School is a fun place to learn.

A fun place for primary school pupils to learn: the new buil­ding of the Ludwig Weber School in Frankfurt’s Sindel­fingen district (founded in 1973), which was desi­gned by Behnisch, the Stutt­gart archi­tects, successfully combines a spacious inte­rior with an exte­rior that does not appear outsized.

Apart from the distinc­tive design of the upper two floors, which rise in terraces above the ground floor, the new primary school buil­ding features an eye-catching wood-alumi­nium facade which is both attrac­tive and invi­ting thanks to floor-to-ceiling window and large wooden elements. Moreover, the ensemble fits perfectly into its surroun­dings.

With a floor space of about 4,000 square metres, there is ample room for the appro­xi­m­ately 200 students and their teachers to move around in the free-form, open school land­scape, which stimu­lates open commu­ni­ca­tion while also being easy to navi­gate.

All rooms have access to the surrounding terraces, which serve as escape routes and recreational spaces.

In accordance to the school mission “Toge­ther not alone”, the archi­tects desi­gned a school buil­ding that creates the basis for a vibrant school commu­nity with a diverse range of lear­ning areas, open spaces and addi­tional outdoor “green” class­rooms.

The main entrance leads directly into the heart of the buil­ding. From the foyer, which is flooded with daylight through a large, round skylight, two interlo­cking stair­cases lead to the two upper floors, like­wise airy and light-filled, each with four class­rooms and group rooms.

All rooms have access to the surroun­ding terraces, which serve as escape routes and recrea­tional spaces. The library and the IT depart­ment are located at the centre, close to the stair­cases.
From the school office and admi­nis­tra­tive rooms located on the first floor, teachers are also able to keep an eye on the entrance hall and the play­ground. On the second floor, there is a spacious terrace, which is used as a ‘green class­room’.

To satisfy the highest demands for optimal acoustics in the sports facilities and classrooms, Troldtekt acoustic panels were installed in the new school building.

As a special feature of Ludwig Weber School, the single-field sports hall, which is inte­grated into the buil­ding and flooded with natural light thanks to its large windows, can now be accessed directly from the foyer.

The ground floor also houses the canteen with a fully equipped kitchen. This area opens onto the 4000 m² play­ground, which offers plenty of space to romp, and play as well as suffi­cient room for retrea­ting.

To satisfy the highest demands for optimal acou­stics in the sports faci­li­ties and class­rooms, Trold­tekt acou­stic panels were installed in the new school buil­ding. The acou­stic panels are made enti­rely of the natural mate­rials wood and cement and are thus not just highly effec­tive in terms of sound absorp­tion but also sustainable.
At the same time, the wood wool panels of Ludwig Weber School create a healthy indoor climate, provide effec­tive fire protec­tion, and fit the struc­ture and design of the space perfectly.

A win for all.

Project data


Behnisch Archi­tects
Rote­bühl­straße 163A
D — 70197 Stutt­gart


Magis­trat der Stadt Frank­furt am Main

Acoustic ceiling

Trold­tekt GmbH
Frie­senweg 4 · Haus 12
D — 22763 Hamburg

Physical address

Ludwig Weber School
Paul-Kirchhof-Platz 13
D — 65931 Frank­furt am Main




Dipl.-Ing. Archi­tekt Olaf Wiechers
Büro für Archi­tektur  +  Medi­en­dienst­leis­tungen
Klaus-Groth-Str. 1
D — 21629 Neu Wulmstorf



David Matthiessen
Olaf Wiechers



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