Kaufland sports roof

The active roof

The activation of roof surfaces in times of declining resources is one of the great challenges of our time.

The often neglected “fifth façade” offers huge potential for accommodating sports facilities, playgrounds or day care centres.

The Kauf­land sports roof is a wonderful example of the sustainable acti­va­tion of roof space in urban areas. The often negle­cted “fifth façade” offers huge poten­tial for accom­mo­da­ting sports faci­li­ties, play­grounds or day care centres in an urban envi­ron­ment and in a manner that saves both space and resources.

Sport­be­trieb Erfurt, the Kauf­land super­market and REGUPOL are among the pioneers of the move­ment.

Our cities are beco­ming incre­asingly crowded. More and more people are moving closer toge­ther in incre­asingly limited spaces. Even provi­ding loca­tions for such essen­tials such as food, retailing and sports is beco­ming diffi­cult.

Roof­tops offer a vast, and to-date, rarely explored poten­tial for a wide range of uses. They are frequently seen as no more than places for instal­ling air condi­tio­ners or antennas — things that nobody really wants to see or attract atten­tion to.

This is a lost oppor­tu­nity because these roofs can have many highly attrac­tive uses.

The Kaufland sports roof is a fully equipped type C athletics facility — and one of the best-visited sports facilities in the entire city due to its spectacular location and views.

The city of Erfurt took a new approach as early as 1994. The steadily expan­ding resi­den­tial real estate “Kleiner Herren­berg” in the south-east of the Thurin­gian state capital suffered from an urgent lack of both shop­ping and sports faci­li­ties.

During the initial plan­ning phase for the new food retail store, the idea of putting sports on the roof and shop­ping under­neath began to take shape.

And this is how the Kauf­land sports roof came into being.

The Kauf­land sports roof has a large arti­fi­cial turf playing field (73 x 110 metres), a four-lane, 400-metre running track with six straight sprint lanes, long jump, high jump and triple jump faci­li­ties, as well as two volley­ball courts.

It also includes a spec­tator stand with swee­ping views over the whole city and a buil­ding to house chan­ging rooms for athletes, judges, teachers and coaches as well as equip­ment rooms.

The Kauf­land sports roof is thus a fully equipped type C athle­tics faci­lity — and its spec­ta­cular loca­tion and view makes it one of the most frequented sports faci­li­ties in the entire city.

The renovation of the athletics surfaces was carried out in a sustainable and resource-saving manner — without removing and disposing of the old surface.

The arti­fi­cial turf pitch was reno­vated from the ground up in 2012, with the running track and other athle­tics faci­li­ties follo­wing suit in 2020. REGUPOL, a long-stan­ding sponsor and promoter of sport in Erfurt, was respon­sible for this second stage.

For reno­vating the athle­tics surfaces, a sustainable and resource-saving approach was taken: after clea­ning each synthetic surface thoroughly, a new wear layer was applied on top without having to remove and dispose of the old surface beneath. This process is called re-topping and is one of REGUPOL’s many strengths.

REGUPOL had previously equipped Erfurt’s two largest sports faci­li­ties, the Stei­ger­wald Stadium and the Hartwig-Gauder Hall and is also a sponsor of “Top Team Thüringen”, a local sports team.

All of Thuringia’s top athletes should be able to train and compete under one roof.

Just as important is the promo­tion of young talent: young athletes should stay in Thuringia and not change. The top sprinter Julian Wagner and his coach Tobias Schneider are ambassa­dors of this alli­ance.

Cooperation between Erfurt sports clubs, Kaufland and REGUPOL has ensured a lasting and sustainable supply of sports activities for the Kaufland sports roof.

The newly reno­vated Kauf­land sports roof is a prime example of the symbiotic use of densi­fied spaces in urban capi­tals. While Kauf­land provides the local area with basic needs in food supplies, the sports ground covers the need for sporting acti­vi­ties — close to home, sustainable and extre­mely space-saving.

Coope­ra­tion between Erfurt sports clubs, Kauf­land and REGUPOL has ensured a lasting and sustainable supply of sports acti­vi­ties for the Kauf­land sports roof.

Acti­vating roof space in times of incre­asingly scarce resources is one of the great chal­lenges of our time. However, it is not only about desig­ning roof areas appro­pria­tely, but also about ensu­ring conflict-free use of a building’s various levels. Here, sound insu­la­tion in parti­cular plays a major role, which is also one of REGUPOL’s core compe­tences.

Our aware­ness of social issues, the enormous expe­ri­ence gained from instal­ling sports surfaces in well over 100 count­ries and our vast exper­tise with a wide variety of acou­stic chal­lenges are what moti­vate us to take on more projects of this kind. Both on the roof and below it.

We did this.

Project data


Am Hilgen­acker 24
D — 57319 Bad Berle­burg


Erfurter Sport­be­trieb
Landes­haupt­stadt Erfurt
Fried­rich-Ebert-Straße 60
D — 99096 Erfurt


Sport­dach Kauf­land
Stie­ler­straße 9
D — 99099 Erfurt




Tom Bauer 
Beet­ho­ven­straße 5d
D — 97080 Würz­burg


Johannes Bühl­be­cker
More Sports Media


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