Jahn Sports Hall in Lippstadt

New opportunities

The Jahnplatz in Lippstadt is the sporting center of the city, so the new Jahnsporthalle creates new opportunities here.

The construction of the new three-field sports hall adds another attractive element to the sporting centre of the city.

The new Jahn Sports Hall in Lipp­stadt, Germany, enhances the sporting centre of the city and harmo­nises perfectly with its surroun­dings. The joint project between the Evan­ge­lical Church and the city of Lipp­stadt offers more oppor­tu­ni­ties for schools and asso­cia­tions.

The Jahn­platz in Lipp­stadt (North Rhine-West­phalia) is a para­dise for sports enthu­si­asts. It offers not only the oppor­tu­nity to play foot­ball or burn off energy on the running track but also ample scope for indi­vi­dual sports. For example, the dirt park for moun­tain bikers, the skate­park or the large exer­cise park.

The cons­truc­tion of the new three-field sports hall adds another attrac­tive element to the sporting centre of the city. Eling archi­tekten of Lipp­stadt have created a modern 2,450 m² three-field hall on behalf of the city and the Evan­ge­lical Church of West­phalia, which harmo­nises perfectly with the local surroun­dings.

The existing retaining wall bordering on Jahnplatz was skilfully integrated into the design, offering visitors as a place to sit and watch the world go by.

Located in the imme­diate vici­nity of the secon­dary school and the Jahn­platz, the light-flooded white hall rests on a brick base.

The exis­ting retai­ning wall borde­ring on Jahn­platz was skilfully inte­grated into the design, offe­ring visi­tors as a place to sit and watch the world go by.

Here visi­tors will also find the entrance, with long concrete stairs leading into the foyer, which is flooded with light thanks to the large windows. There is also a ramp leading into the new buil­ding.

Acoustic ceiling panels enhance the wood-and-concrete aesthetic.

Inside Jahn Sports Hall, a large grand­stand offers space for about 600 people, and there are several multi-purpose rooms, which can be used for the theory lessons taught along­side the sports classes, as well as chan­ging rooms.
Light concrete elements are combined with light wood elements, making the entire hall, which also includes a clim­bing wall, bright and invi­ting. In keeping with this design, acou­stic panels in a natural wood tone were installed on the ceiling.
Since its inau­gu­ra­tion in October 2021, the Jahn Sports Hall has enjoyed great popu­la­rity not only among students but also among clubs.

Project data


Eling achi­tekten
Cappel­straße 8
D — 59555 Lipp­stadt


Evan­ge­li­sche Kirche
Stadt Lipp­stadt

Acoustic ceiling

Trold­tekt GmbH
Frie­senweg 4 · Haus 12
D — 22763 Hamburg

Physical address

Udener Str. 2
D — 59555 Lipp­stadt




Dipl.-Ing. Archi­tekt Olaf Wiechers
Büro für Archi­tektur  +  Medi­en­dienst­leis­tungen
Klaus-Groth-Str. 1
D — 21629 Neu Wulmstorf



Olaf Wiechers

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