Modern World

Estadio San Carlos de Apoquindo in Sant­iago






The Univer­sidad Cató­lica Sports Club, founded in 1937, inau­gu­rated its current stadium in 1988, known as the San Carlos de Apoquindo Stadium.

After more than three decades of acti­vity, the club decided that it needed a reno­va­tion. For this reason it held a compe­ti­tion in which nine offices were presented, and the IDOM proposal was selected.


With this reno­va­tion, the manage­ment team of Cruzado intends to moder­nize the Stadium and its surroun­dings, making it a multi­pur­pose venue, which will be an archi­tec­tural land­mark for the town of Las Condes and the city of Sant­iago, provi­ding value and services to the Commu­nity, the perfect place to orga­nize high-level sporting events, while gene­ra­ting new income.

“The new stadium will be a quality archi­tec­tural icon for the commu­nity, visible from the envi­ron­ment and respectful of it, inspired by the tradi­tional mate­rials of Chilean archi­tec­ture while looking to the future of foot­ball in the country,” says César Azcá­rate.


From an archi­tec­tural perspec­tive, the project is conceived in section due to its loca­tion at the foot of the Cordil­lera, on a slight slope and looking towards the city of Sant­iago.

For this, a main buil­ding is confi­gured, which is shown towards the city and which houses a large part of the hospi­ta­lity uses.


Starting from the current Stadium, anchored to the ground as if it were a Greek amphi­theater, the new needs, the new uses and the increase in capa­city, from 14,000 to 20,000 spec­ta­tors, gene­rates a volume that is perceived as unitary, light and elevated with respect to what exists.

In this sense, the use of wood as the main element in the façade and the roof struc­ture allows dialogue to be estab­lished between the tectonic and the light, while also being a sustainable resource, in line with the whole approach to the moder­niza­tion of the Stadium.

From being open to being closed

A conti­nuous boule­vard is desi­gned that allows access to all the upper part of the lower stands and that repres­ents the line that sepa­rates what is linked to the ground from what is elevated. The new volu­metric confi­gu­ra­tion will allow the stadium to go from being open to being closed cove­ring the stands, gene­ra­ting a better foot­ball atmo­sphere, better acou­stics and greater comfort for spec­ta­tors. The stadium will also be 7/365, econo­mic­ally sustainable and with a wide range of hospi­ta­lity acti­vi­ties.


The cons­truc­tion works are sche­duled to begin during the first half of 2022 and end in the second half of 2023, allo­wing the new venue to host some sports events of the Pan American Games to be held in Sant­iago in October of that year.

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Project data




CD Univer­sidad Cató­lica

Physical address

Estadio San Carlos de Apoquindo
Circun­vala­ción Las Flores 13000
Las Condes
Región Metro­po­li­tana







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