Kind of different

Ekaterinburg Central Stadium


Home to one of the coun­try’s oldest foot­ball clubs, FC Ural, Ekate­rin­burg Central Stadium was built in Sver­dl­ovsk (now Ekate­rin­burg)  in 1953. Since then, it has been refur­bished on a number of occa­sions. The last of these refits has been made for the 2018 FIFA World Cup™. On each occa­sion, however, the stadi­um’s histo­rical façade remained untouched, as an archi­tec­tural legacy. Archi­tec­tural and deco­ra­tive features typical of Soviet neo-Clas­si­cism were used lavishly in the cons­truc­tion of the stands, along with deco­ra­tive art in the form of sculp­tures, vases and banners.


The western and eastern entrances to Ekate­rin­burg Central Stadium are framed by columns with sculp­tures of a milling machine operator, a female skier, a hunter, a foot­ball player, a female athlete with a torch, and a steel­maker.


Yeka­te­rin­burg Central Stadium has four stands: two grand stands, and two tempo­rary stands with a steel struc­ture that will be dismantled after the 2018 FIFA World Cup™. The stadium retains its reco­g­nisable histo­rical façade, although a roof and tempo­rary stands was installed for Russia 2018.

Ekate­rin­burg Central Stadium is the only venue for the 2018 World Cup to be held in the Asian part of Russia.

City and legacy

Ekate­rin­burg is located 17 kilo­me­ters away from the border between Europe and Asia, was founded in 1723 as a factory town on the orders of Emperor Peter the Great and named after his wife, future Empress Cathe­rine I. Ekate­rin­burg is the fourth most-popu­lated city in Russia after Moscow, St. Peters­burg and Novo­si­birsk.

FC Ural will continue to use the stadium for its home games. The venue will also house a fitness center, and the surroun­ding terri­tory will become a pede­strian area.


FK Ural Oblast Swerdlowsk FK Ural Jekaterinburg


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Status© Host city Ekaterinburg




Ulitsa Repina 5 620028 Jekaterinburg Russland

Aerial view

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1953, 2011, 2018

Spectator seats



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