Only art can help

Cancha en Cancha in Chile




Metro 21


There are more than 15,000 sports faci­li­ties in Chile, however, of the total of these, there is a high percen­tage (more than 30%) of courts in disuse, without main­ten­ance and prac­ti­cally destroyed. In a short time, these cons­truc­tions are trans­formed into a sort of urban and rural corpses devoid of the active care of insti­tu­tional agents.


The metro 21 project “De cancha en cancha” seeks to cover this lack that has left many loca­li­ties – espe­ci­ally rural – with one of the only commu­nity meeting places in ruins. Part of the project precisely seeks to publi­cize what is happe­ning at the local level.

Only art can help.


We look for fields that are in aban­don­ment and we inves­ti­gate what were, or are, their daily uses.

From this, we made a rescue and compi­la­tion of the memo­ries and iden­ti­ties of the town or commune, which are worked on, concep­tually and aesthe­ti­cally, in conjunc­tion with the guest artists.


In general, the sport courts are cons­tructed of asphalt or concrete, which results in a hard and rough surface. These are surfaces that do not with­stand changes in tempe­ra­ture and tend to see your folders cracked over time.

Metro 21 try to take care of this problem by seeking to make them softer and more comfor­table to play, sit, jump, run and dance, thus respon­ding to a recrea­tional space at the service of the commu­nity.


The refur­bis­hing process is deve­loped through the impro­ve­ment of the damping and the softening of the surface. This is achieved with the follo­wing mixes:


  • Expan­sion joint sealing
  • Primer appli­ca­tion (sealant / water­pro­ofing)
  • Appli­ca­tion of “slurry” (quartz, cement and sika­flex), to gene­rate cushio­ning and adhe­rence.
  • Appli­ca­tion of “Cushion” which is a quartz mattress with elastic resins (rubber granules) and water.


In addi­tion to impro­ving the surface, we also replace the sports equip­ment neces­sary to continue promo­ting outdoor sports — bows, hoops, nets and zippers.


The success of this ambi­tious project is not only due to the careful execu­tion of every detail of the refur­bish­ment work.

De Cancha en Cancha is known and popular because of the appar­ently spec­ta­cular surface design of the pitches. To this end, the plan­ners of Metro 21 have each worked on a project-by-project basis with local artists, who have sought the best design solu­tion for each situa­tion.


“De cancha en cancha” makes a valuable contri­bu­tion to the rede­sign of public space, combi­ning artistic ambi­tions with func­tional and struc­tural neces­si­ties. Thanks to the publi­city achieved and the public support that comes with it, the desi­gners will be able to realise further rede­ve­lo­p­ment projects.

So far nine “new” spaces have been created in nine diffe­rent loca­tions in Chile. This is a project that can also be very well imagined in almost any other country.

We did this.

Project data


Metro 21


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