Aarhus International Sailing Centre


It’s hard to imagine a more attractive location for a building dedicated to sailing.

The sailing centre connects a new part of the city with the water via a waterfront promenade.

In 2018, the Danish Crown Prince Frederik inau­gu­rated the new Aarhus Inter­na­tional Sailing Centre on the city’s water­front. The large pale grey concrete buil­ding is located right at the entrance to the marina and the harbour for wooden boats in Aarhus.

The new sailing centre was desi­gned by Entasis.

The new buil­ding is connected to Aarhus Ø, a new resi­den­tial district, via a water­side prome­nade. Located between the city, the harbour and the woods, it is a buil­ding with a uniquely raw design.

The construction of the Aarhus International Sailing Centre is its architecture as well.

From the outside, the sailing centre resem­bles an indus­trial hall with huge sliding doors and visible struc­tural elements.

A comple­tely tectonic design. The struc­tures are the archi­tec­ture, yet there is one feature that makes the buil­ding stand out from many indus­trial faci­li­ties – the high degree of trans­pa­rency.

Light floods into the buil­ding from all corners of the compass. The large glass sections are divided by hori­zontal bars that huma­nise the scale of the vast buil­ding.

Troldtekt acoustic panels go incredibly well with the raw concrete.

The same unsen­ti­mental design charac­te­rises the inside of the buil­ding, and the high-ceilinged hall accom­mo­dates large numbers of ding­hies, which can easily be wheeled in and out fully rigged.

The admi­nis­tra­tion depart­ment with offices, confe­rence rooms and club faci­li­ties is situated to the south, while the first floor has a lounge with views of the bay. The south facade also features a large outdoor balcony, which is raised above the main entrance.

Trold­tekt acou­stic panels were an obvious choice for the exclu­sive fitting-out, and the panels go incre­dibly well with the raw concrete.

Project data


Århus­gade 102
DK — 2100 Kopen­hagen


Fonden Aarhus Inter­na­tio­nales Segel­zen­trum

Acoustic ceiling

Trold­tekt GmbH
Frie­senweg 4 · Haus 12
D — 22763 Hamburg

Physical address

Aarhus Inter­na­tional Sailing Centre
Esther Aggebos Gade 80A
DK — 8000 Aarhus




Thomas Mølvig, Archi­tekt


Thomas Mølvig, Archi­tekt.
Helene Høyer Mikkelsen, Archi­tekt



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