A new type of landmark

Water Park Aqualagon at Villages Natures Paris

A landmark

The direc­tion of the winds and the path of the sun have deter­mined the floor plan of Water Park Aqual­agon. Protected from cold north-easterly winter winds, nest­ling up to the forest, the aquatic park opens towards the west to make the most of cool breezes in warm weather.

Looking out to the south-west, Water Park Aqual­agon is bathed in light throug­hout the year. It is oriented so as to receive as much sunlight as possible in winter, while protec­ting itself from exces­sive expo­sure to the sun through its terraces in summer.

Like an origami sculp­ture, our proposal for the aquatic park resem­bled an unfol­ding land­scape, culmi­na­ting at around 35 m: it is a built land­scape, rising into the sky. The struc­ture is clearly visible from the surroun­ding area – it becomes a point of refe­rence and a symbol of Villages Nature, a holiday village near Euro Disney Paris.

This new type of land­mark contrasts with the rela­tively flat topo­graphy. It is not an element which has been imposed on the land­scape, but an exten­sion of the land­scape itself.

A world that emerged from the lake

Located by a large expanse of water, Water Park Aqual­agon looks like a world that has emerged from the lake. It is an aerial cons­truc­tion, laye­ring hanging gardens, playing with water and trans­pa­rency. The terraces are open to walkers, and are used to oxygenate the waters of the lake. The new land­scape is composed of water­falls, mist, steam and aquatic plants.

The unique character of the aquatic park, which blurs the lines between land­scape and built envi­ron­ment, creates a beacon, visible from all parts of Villages Nature. By day and by night, the aquatic park becomes a major icon of the site.

Spectacular views

The origami struc­ture is open to the public, it becomes an exten­sion of the aquatic faci­li­ties: Water Park Aqual­agon offers a new expe­ri­ence to visi­tors explo­ring this built land­scape. The struc­ture pres­ents a stun­ning vantage point over the inside of the aquatic park and offers spec­ta­cular views of Villages Nature and the wider land­scape.

A circuit offers a walk around the buil­ding, exten­ding the board walk prome­nade. A lift offers the occa­sion to climb to the top of the walk to enjoy the view. 

Directional transparency

As the origami unfolds, it creates empty spaces. These spaces are filled by large glass panels that let natural light into the aquatic centre and give visi­tors the sensa­tion of a conti­nuity between the inte­rior and exte­rior.

At the top of the buil­ding, a trans­pa­rent dome with a remar­kable geometry allows visi­tors to swim while watching the sky. This dome forms the silhou­ette of the aquatic park.

The struc­ture and the roofing have been opti­mised to disap­pear in the sight lines from the basins and accen­tuate the presence of the sky. The aquatic park is flooded with light. This is enhanced and softened by the orien­ta­tion of the buil­ding, the play of reflec­tions and diffu­sion of natural light.

At water level, there is complete conti­nuity with the exte­rior — swim­mers can leave without any obsta­cles.


A permanent spectacle

All the elements of Water Park Aqual­agon parti­ci­pate in crea­ting a sense of spec­tacle which serves to heighten the expe­ri­ence of the aquatic acti­vi­ties in the park. The remar­kable ecosystem estab­lished by the planted terraces forms an instruc­tive path. The various elements related to envi­ron­mental sustaina­bi­lity — geo-thermal energy, water recy­cling — come toge­ther to form a coherent narra­tive that struc­tures the entire project, and can be clearly read by the public.

The prin­ciple of the project, with its accu­mu­la­tion of levels, extends the aquatic park into sun-lounges, terraces and restau­rants. These acti­vi­ties can easily be linked to seasonal varia­tions in atten­dance.

An audi­to­rium barge arrives in the evenings and at various times of day to offer concerts and shows.

The aquatic park forms an extra­or­di­nary back­drop for Villages Nature’s shows on the lake, fire­works displays and light shows.

An archipelago

The entrance to the aquatic park is connected to a large fore­court around which Villages Nature’s diffe­rent “public” spaces are arranged: forum, sports centre.

The hall, which opens onto the lake, leads to chan­ging rooms via a long corridor and servant spaces (machine room, storage, etc.). Once visi­tors have gone through the chan­ging room area, they discover the inner space of the aquatic park, desi­gned as a large expanse of water strewn with islands of various sizes and with a variety of func­tions.

This archi­pe­lago extends outside, into the lagoon, accen­tua­ting the conti­nuity between indoors and outdoors. The air pavi­lion links the other two pavi­lions. It is set back from the edge of the lagoon to create a protected space.

Project data


Jacques Ferrier Archi­tec­ture

24 rue Dareau

F — 75014 Paris


C&E Ingé­nierie (Enve­lope and struc­ture engi­nee­ring)

Inter­s­cene Thierry Huau (land­scape)

Sensual City Studio (life­guard station design)


Villages Nature Paris

(Pierre et Vacances-Center Parcs _ Euro Disney SCA)




Jacques Ferrier Archi­tec­ture


Water Park Aqual­agon

Route de Ville­neuve

F — 77700 Bailly-Romain­vil­liers

Aerial view

Thank you, Google!


Luc Boegly

Hugo Deniau

Didier Boy De La Tour




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