Something bigger

La Doce in Mexico City


La Doce is a colla­bo­ra­tive project, based on a network and a proposal for change that arises from the need to develop quality public spaces in margi­na­lized areas in various cities around the world.

Foot­ball as a sport is one of the most loved, most played and probably the one with the most follo­wers world­wide. It allows us to connect with ourselves and with others and at the same time, and from time to time discon­nect us from our envi­ron­ment.


Parti­ci­pa­tion – and this is what La Doce is about – allows us to observe and coexist and be conscious that beyond foot­ball, there also is a social cons­truc­tion. La Doce is a space for a “hobby” that allows to link through the game, an event that does not sepa­rate social classes. It grants the chance to be inte­grated as a team to those who are part of the moment – being part of some­thing bigger.


This mani­festo is the basis of a proposal for a colla­bo­ra­tive project: La Doce, starting from the mission and vision of love.fútbol, a non-profit that mobi­lizes and engages commu­ni­ties to plan, build, manage, acti­vate and rede­fine their own foot­ball pitches as sustainable plat­forms for social change. Through the manage­ment and spon­sor­ship of various enti­ties, love.fútbol promotes and realizes the resto­ra­tion and reco­very of disused sports fields in margi­na­lized urban areas world­wide, buil­ding quality public spaces.

Project data


All Arqui­tec­tura 

Team: Jose­maria Quin­ta­nilla, Rodrigo Guardado, Salvador Guardado, Alejandro Guardado, Eduardo Ugalde & Judith Valerio


Aerial photo­graphs: © Zaickz Moz
Site photo­graphs: © Marcos Betanzos 


All Arqui­tec­tura 




Based on this idea, the colla­bo­ra­tion between love.fútbol and All Arqui­tec­tura arised; one as the promoter, the other as the desi­gner. On this occa­sion and with the spon­sor­ship of Premier League team Manchester City, the project started. As part of the process, the inte­gra­tion of local part­ners was funda­mental for the work of love.fútbol, ther­e­fore Natlik as the civil asso­cia­tion was included as local interlo­cutor in the commu­nity.


The project is located in the muni­ci­pa­lity of Valle de Chalco, refur­bis­hing a living space located in one of the areas expan­ding drama­ti­cally in popu­la­tion and suffe­ring from one of the highest rates of violence at the outskirts of Mexico City. Valle de Chalco is the desti­na­tion of many indi­ge­nous groups from all regions of the country, a dormi­tory city that reveals one of the most complex problems of contem­po­rary cities. An inter­woven mesh of roots that repres­ents a chall­enge towards the cons­truc­tion of social iden­tity and the rela­ti­onship with the space of the commu­nity itself.

La Doce is a colla­bo­ra­tion, a coor­di­nated effort and an alli­ance of desi­gners, archi­tects, artists, civil orga­niza­tions, and neigh­bors, who in a congre­ga­tion of propo­sals and social work are trans­lated into a project that summa­rizes and tries to achieve the inte­gra­tion of a frac­tured coll­ec­tive.


La Doce is conceived as two inde­pen­dent spaces that, beyond being isolated expe­ri­ences, are linked through the acti­vi­ties they offer. A mix use court of 15m x 25m as a compo­si­tional axis, an essen­tial part of the project that proposes relo­ca­tion accor­ding to the North-South axis, allo­wing greater use of it throug­hout the day. Hosted between the streets Sur 11 and Sur 12, the property to inter­vene offers the oppor­tu­nity to achieve the connec­tion between both roads, allo­wing the user to make use of the same space as a link, follo­wing the paths of people through space and areas surroun­ding.

A large public square

An open pavi­lion ends in an edge of the playing field. Under a large roof several func­tions are inte­grated: the admi­nis­tra­tive area, a warehouse, rest­rooms, box area. Another adja­cent area allows multi­func­tional uses inclu­ding work­shops, classes and exhi­bi­tions that may be carried out at any time and any weather condi­tion. The pavi­lion invites the adjoi­ning proper­ties: an aban­doned library and an unin­ha­bited land, with the inten­tion for a future phase to relate and inte­grate both proper­ties to the project. A concrete plat­form, a vestige of the original field, is used as a large public square where the perspec­tive and expe­ri­ences of the many ethnic origins of which Valle de Chalco is struc­tured can be offered through artistic presen­ta­tions.



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