Eye in the sky

Hubertus Pool Olang

noa* network of architecture

Hotel Hubertus

The Hotel Hubertus is located in Valdaora, at the foot of the famous ski and hiking area Kron­platz in the Puster Valley at an alti­tude of about 1350 m.

The family estab­lish­ment was gene­rously enhanced and enlarged with 16 new suites, a new kitchen with restau­rants and “Stuben”, an entrance area with lobby, recep­tion and wine cellar and a fitness and a rela­xa­tion room with pano­r­amic terraces.

The new 25 m long pool, func­tio­ning as a connector between old and new, under­lines the essence of this compre­hen­sive reno­va­tion and renewal project.

Hubertus Pool

The new Hubertus Pool, which impo­singly rests in-between the two accom­mo­da­tion wings, seems like a floa­ting rock, come to rest at the site, over­loo­king the valley. The hidden edges of the pool, kept in anthr­acite-coloured stone, abolish the gap between pool and land­scape, crea­ting the impres­sion of the water flowing into nothing, disap­pearing between pool and land­scape.

The pool meta­pho­ri­cally reminds of a moun­tain lake, nestled into the asto­nis­hing moun­ta­in­s­cape of the UNESCO World Heri­tage site, the Dolo­mites.


The key chall­enge in the project was to create a link between the exis­ting buil­ding and the new design, in order to keep a uniformal and consis­tent appearance. The debarked larch trunks, which were used as multi­func­tional façade elements for the exis­ting and new buil­ding, succeed in crea­ting this aesthe­tical connec­tion. The multi­func­tional façade elements of debarked larch trunks create an optical link between exis­ting and new, main­tai­ning the homo­ge­neous appearance of the project. They not only support the dyna­mics of the curved façade, but func­tion also as sunscreens, room divi­ders and rain protec­tors, further enhan­cing the feeling of privacy and in addi­tion to this forming the static basis for the canti­le­ve­ring pool and façade.


Hubertus Pool is floa­ting like a natural rock over the new accom­mo­da­tion wing. Without any visible boar­ders, a width of 5 m, a length of 25 m and a depth of 1,30 m the over 17 m canti­le­ve­ring pool can be seen as comple­tely unique.

The posi­tion of the pool, which floats 12 m above the ground, at its extreme edge, gives the swimmer the feeling of floa­ting – weight­lessly between heaven and earth. This impres­sion is further rein­forced by the glass front and a glazed window on the bottom of the pool.

We did this.

Compa­nies involved & Links


Alex Filz


noa* network of archi­tec­ture


noa* network of archi­tec­ture
Zions­kirchstr 56
I — 39100 Bolzano

Zions­kirch­straße 56
D — 10119 Berlin


Hotel Hubertus
Via Furcia, 5
I — 39030 Soraf­urcia





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