From silver to gold

Cradle to Cradle

The vision behind Cradle to Cradle is a world in which manufacturers design their products for a circular economy.

Advancing to Gold level is primarily the result of Troldtekt introducing new paint recipes in production.

After ten years of Cradle to Cradle certi­fi­ca­tion at Silver level, the entire range of Trold­tekt cement-bonded wood wool acou­stic solu­tions has now advanced to Gold level. The vision behind Cradle to Cradle is a world in which manu­fac­tu­rers design their products for a circular economy – in other words where the mate­rials can be rein­tro­duced in new cycles.

Advan­cing to Gold level is prima­rily the result of Trold­tekt intro­du­cing new paint recipes in produc­tion.

The switch to the new paint type means that Trold­tekt is moving up two levels – from Silver to Platinum – within mate­rial health, which is one of the five cate­go­ries of criteria coun­ting towards Cradle to Cradle certi­fi­ca­tion. And as Trold­tekt is already at Gold or Platinum level in the other four cate­go­ries, it trig­gers overall certi­fi­ca­tion at Gold level. The certi­fi­ca­tion is offi­ci­ally valid from 1 March 2022.

“It’s not just a small corner of our range that is now Cradle to Cradle-certified at Gold level – it is the entire range of Troldtekt cement-bonded wood wool products.”
Tina Snedker Kristensen

“More than a decade ago, we chose to base our busi­ness stra­tegy on the Cradle to Cradle prin­ci­ples. Since then, we have opti­mised our produc­tion by swit­ching to rene­wable energy, by syste­ma­ti­cally recy­cling waste and much more. Mate­rial health, and speci­fi­cally the preser­va­tives in the paint, have been the only barrier to achie­ving Gold certi­fi­ca­tion. Ther­e­fore, the new paint recipes repre­sent quite a mile­stone for us,” says Tina Snedker Kris­tensen, Head of Sustaina­bi­lity and Commu­ni­ca­tions at Trold­tekt A/S.
“It’s not just a small corner of our range that is now Cradle to Cradle-certi­fied at Gold level – it is the entire range of Trold­tekt cement-bonded wood wool products in either natural wood or painted in our stan­dard colours white, grey and black. The certi­fi­ca­tion also covers our design series and our brand new carbon-nega­tive acou­stic panels based on the cement type FUTURECEM™,” she adds.
In prac­tice, the syste­matic work with Cradle to Cradle means that Trold­tekt poss­esses in-depth know­ledge of all the ingre­di­ents in the acou­stic panels, right down to 100 parts per million. Analyses have shown that the panels do not contain any subs­tances which are harmful to humans or the envi­ron­ment. Healthy ingre­di­ents are a prere­qui­site for being able to rein­tro­duce products into new biolo­gical and tech­nical cycles. And healthy cycles are the back­bone of the circular economy.

“After lengthy discussions with our paint suppliers, we’ve now arrived at a new and durable paint recipe which contains no harmful biocides.”
Vibeke Pedersen

The preser­va­tives – biocides – in the paint for the acou­stic panels have so far stood in the way of achie­ving Cradle to Cradle certi­fi­ca­tion at Gold level. However, recipes have now been successfully deve­loped that use newer and more sustainable preser­va­tion tech­no­logy.

“Preser­va­tives are neces­sary to avoid having to discard large quan­ti­ties of paint due to spoi­ling and frequent colour changes in produc­tion.” explains Vibeke Pedersen, Head of Engi­nee­ring Depart­ment at Trold­tekt A/S.

“Since instal­ling our new paint faci­lity in 2016, we have coll­ected and recy­cled excess paint – or ‘over­spray’ as it is called – from our spray booths, which has cut the amount of paint we waste by 70 per cent.”
“If we removed the preser­va­tives, we would no longer be able to use the over­spray due to micro­bial attacks. And this would result in total waste of approx. 200,000 litres of paint a year.”
“After lengthy discus­sions with our paint suppliers, we’ve now arrived at a new and durable paint recipe which contains no harmful biocides. However, the new paint is still suffi­ci­ently durable for the over­spray to be recy­cled. This has required product deve­lo­p­ment and exten­sive testing of the recipes in our produc­tion. So, a lot of hard work has paved the way for our certi­fi­ca­tion at Gold level,” she says.

Project data


Trold­tekt GmbH
Frie­senweg 4 · Haus 12
D — 22763 Hamburg


Dipl.-Ing. Archi­tekt Olaf Wiechers
Büro für Archi­tektur  +  Medi­en­dienst­leis­tungen
Klaus-Groth-Str. 1
D — 21629 Neu Wulmstorf



Olaf Wiechers
Helene Høyer Mikkelsen (Bild 3)

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