Pretty safe

Surfaces in water landscapes



Safety plays a major role in the design of the surfa­cing around water surfaces in both outdoor and indoor areas. It must be desi­gned so that bathers always have a safe footing.

Slips and falls must be avoided at all costs as even a small, care­less move­ment can lead to a fall with serious conse­quences, espe­ci­ally since bathers, whether children, adults or senior citi­zens only wear swim­wear and are ther­e­fore also unpro­tected by any clot­hing if they fall. Floors borde­ring on water surfaces are ther­e­fore prima­rily desi­gned for safety reasons.

Conica offers a safe solu­tion for floo­rings adja­cent to water surfaces.


The surface system Coni­play was deve­loped by the Swiss company Conica AG. Its safe stan­ding ensures that bathing fun in adven­ture and leisure pools, spas and private swim­ming pools is not spoilt by acci­dents.

The product is available in two versions: as the water-permeable version Coni­play AP and as the water-imper­meable Coni­play AI. Both solu­tions are colourful, comfor­table and offer a long service life. They can easily be installed without joints using diffe­rent binding agents.

Bacterial inhibiting

CONIPLAY AP is a water-permeable surface that can be cons­tructed in one or two layers. CONIPLAY AI has a multi-layer struc­ture and is water­proof.

The black granu­late layer is optional for both vari­ants, it serves to achieve any desired fall protec­tion. This is what makes them recom­men­dable.


The sealant is also the same for both: CONIPUR 2210, as an anti-slip, silk-gloss 2‑component PUR sealant. Alter­na­tively, CONIPUR 2210 AB can also be used. This sealant is addi­tio­nally equipped with a bacteria-inhi­bi­ting addi­tive.

CONIPLAY AP and CONIPLAY AI are resistant to both chlo­rine and salt water.


Today’s bathing land­scapes are subject to tough compe­ti­tion. Safety and attrac­ti­ve­ness must no longer be compe­ti­tors, they have to be part­ners.

The Coni­play solu­tion combines the neces­sary, the fall protec­tion, with the aesthetic. The mate­rial used allows a colourful design, so that bathing fun can be expe­ri­enced in full all around the water with maximum safety.

We did this.

Project data


Conica AG
Indus­trie­straße 26
CH – 8207 Schaff­hausen


Uwe Schmidt
Indus­trie-Contact AG
Bahren­felder Markt­platz 7
D — 22761 Hamburg


Conica AG

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