Nepal Skatepark

Getting up over and over again!

A skate park as an engine of development for social infrastructures.

The Nepal Skatepark empowers the young people who use it and, at the same time, fulfils a function as a focal point for the neighbourhood.

The Nepal Skate­park was opened in spring 2022 and is an important part of the deve­lo­p­ment of social infra­struc­tures in the country. The project was initiated and financed by Skate-Aid. The maier land­schafts­ar­chi­tektur office in Cologne desi­gned and built the complex.

The most important outcome of this colla­bo­ra­tion is the sustainable part­ner­ships that are formed on the ground with those who not only install the project but also operate it on a long-term basis. In this instance, it’s the orga­ni­sa­tion “Yuwa for Change”.

The Nepal Skate­park empowers young people through its on-site educa­tional skate­board work­shops. At the same time, the complex func­tions as a kind of focal point for the neigh­bour­hood.

The Nepal Skatepark is part of a sports and educational programme designed to rebuild the country.

Nepal is located in southern Asia, between the Peop­le’s Repu­blic of China and India. The country had deve­loped and moder­nised rapidly over a period of 20 years, until a devas­ta­ting earth­quake destroyed large parts of the country in 2015.

The Nepal Skate­park is part of a sports and educa­tional programme desi­gned to rebuild the country.

The park is located on the outskirts of the city of Butwal (138,000 inha­bi­tants), at the foot of the Hima­layas, about 240 km west of the capital Kath­mandu.

The concept fulfils more functions than a skate park alone can do and enables the sustainable operation of the facility.

The design of the skate park was based on the abstract image of two crossed skate­boards, which is the logo of Skate-Aid. This cross forms the basic layout of the complex and subdi­vides the 400 m² park.

The central area is the heart of the faci­lity. The skate­park is located here. The selected skate­boar­ding elements repre­sent a straight­for­ward intro­duc­tion for local young people, but also provide variety for advanced skaters – espe­ci­ally benches, curbs and handrails. The outer ends have been desi­gned as ramps which serve to increase momentum and ensure a better flow.

The adja­cent areas are each 120 m² in size. Here they consist of a street­ball surface and a basin-shaped skate­boar­ding feature known as a bowl. However, they can also be flexibly adapted, for example as multi­func­tional sports and event areas, further skate­boar­ding areas, play­grounds or for the cons­truc­tion of a youth centre.

The concept fulfils more func­tions than a skate park alone can do and enables the long-term, flexible and sustainable opera­tion of the faci­lity.

The concept can be reconstructed in a modular way at other locations.

The concept of the Nepal Skate­park can be scaled and repro­duced in a modular way at other loca­tions. This is parti­cu­larly useful when local condi­tions are diffi­cult and when there is a low budget. The zoning of the faci­lity also means that cons­truc­tion can take place in various, inde­pen­dent phases.

Due to its elon­gated shape, the middle area is ideally suited for deve­lo­ping diffe­rent and exci­ting skate parks for future projects.

The clear, simple shapes make it possible to build a roof over certain areas at a later date, so that these can be used even in bad weather.

Falling down and getting up again — that’s what it’s all about. In Nepal and everywhere else in the world.

maier land­schafts­ar­chi­tektur and Skate-Aid have been working toge­ther for more than a decade to improve the pros­pects of children and young people in diffi­cult situa­tions and envi­ron­ments – with the help of social and sporting faci­li­ties in the form of skate parks. Earlier examples are the Beth­lehem Skate­park, Janwaar Castle and the Damascus Skate Park .

Common to all these projects is their sustainable opera­tion by local partner orga­ni­sa­tions. What good is the most beau­tiful faci­lity if no one takes care of it? In this way, faci­li­ties such as the Nepal Skate­park give children and young people easy access to perma­nent oppor­tu­ni­ties to develop into strong perso­na­li­ties by being part of a commu­nity in a posi­tive envi­ron­ment.

Falling down and getting up again – that’s what it’s all about. Lear­ning to do so is perhaps the grea­test benefit that sport and archi­tec­ture can provide.

Project data


maier land­schafts­ar­chi­tektur
Rösra­ther Straße 769
D — 51107 Cologne


skate-aid inter­na­tional e.V.
Wall­straße 86
D — 10179 Berlin


Yuwa for Change

Physical address

Dhunga Skate-aid
Skate­park Butwal
Tilot­tama 32907




Johannes Bühl­be­cker
More Sports Media


maier land­schafts­ar­chi­tektur



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