Home is where the pool is

​​Limmasol Tower

Hamonic+Masson & Associés


Cyprus is an excep­tional terri­tory. Sea, sun and beauty adorn its land­scape and provide the oppor­tu­nity for unique housing. The propo­si­tion for the Limmasol Tower by Hamonic+Masson & Asso­ciés seeks to capture this natural sple­ndour for future inha­bi­tants.

Their wild apart­ment tower concept has round swim­ming pools sprou­ting almost orga­ni­cally from the facade on all sides. Lima­ssol Tower grants every unit in the buil­ding its own private pool, over­loo­king the spar­k­ling Medi­ter­ra­nean horizon.

Cove­ring a total of 6,000 square meters (roughly 64,600 square feet), the resi­den­tial tower houses 19 luxury apart­ments, an under­ground fitness zone, art gallery and spa.

Corolla system

The project rises from nature, echoed by the corolla-shaped balco­nies found in each apart­ment. Home to private swim­ming pools and planted green areas, they are like an inde­pen­dent island, but simul­ta­neously have a direct link to the apart­ment. This creates a luxu­rious living expe­ri­ence, where exte­rior meets inte­rior.

A sliding glass door is the only element sepa­ra­ting living areas from the balco­nies, meaning the feeling of being outside is possible simply by opening the window.

The corolla system is also found on the ground floor green land­scape; round plat­forms and suns­hades engender a distinc­tive archi­tec­tural concept.

Nice contribution

Unique expe­ri­ence

On the ground floor a regal entrance opens the doors to a unique living expe­ri­ence. Hamonic+Masson & Asso­ciés seek to enhance quality of living by offe­ring a range of amen­i­ties: an under­ground fitness zone illu­mi­nated by natural sunlight, an art gallery on the ground floor and a premium spa on the first floor, all with inde­pen­dent entrances. Well­being and luxury combine to create an exclu­sive living expe­ri­ence.

The design for the Limmasol Tower offers many special features and a lot of amen­i­ties. It is not very likely that this design will ever be realized, but it is a beau­tiful and imagi­na­tive contri­bu­tion to the never-ending theme of “pools in lofty heights”.

We did this.

Compa­nies involved & Links


Raphaël Petit
Jean-Charles Augier



Hamonic+Masson & Asso­ciés
93 rue Mont­martre
F — 75002 Paris



Johannes Bühl­be­cker
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