
Sportbad Friedrichshafen

Behnisch Architects


After the relo­ca­tion of the trade fair to the nearby airport, an attrac­tive sports and leisure area was created on the old fair grounds at Ried­le­park in addi­tion to a shop­ping centre. Situated right next to the ZF-Arena, the complex houses Friedrichshafen’s new aquatic sports center as well as a parking garage.

Behnisch Archi­tekten has desi­gned the new aquatic sports center Sportbad Fried­richs­hafen as a buil­ding that reveals its quali­ties from the inside out: this newbuild, with its diffe­ren­tiated roofs­cape, is arranged around a land­scaped internal cour­tyard and resem­bles an island of rela­xa­tion and recup­er­a­tion. A sport pool, sauna area and water features all contri­bute to a diverse amenity that appeals to adults, children, sport fans, and recrea­tional users alike.

The idea of flowing tran­si­tions in a two-storey bathing and sauna land­scape was skilfully imple­mented not least with tiles from the brands Agrob Buchtal and Jasba.


The newly completed public area situated between the aquatic sports center, parking garage, and ZF-Arena will func­tion as an open-air space for many diffe­rent purposes. Vehicles are banned from the fore­court in front of the center, making it an attrac­tive entrance for recrea­tional and athletic guests.

Behnisch Archi­tekten desi­gned a diffe­ren­tiated, well-propor­tioned ensemble struc­tured around an inte­rior cour­tyard and land­scaped garden. This island of rela­xa­tion opens up on a number of levels with attrac­tive exte­rior areas and a sauna garden. A conti­nuous roof is stag­gered in height, brin­ging the struc­ture toge­ther and harmo­niously linking the various func­tional sections.

The surroun­ding glass facades make the Sportbad Fried­richs­hafen reco­gnizable already from the outside as a bathing land­scape. The divi­sion into a spacious bathing area with swim­ming pool and children’s pool on the ground floor and a more inti­mate upper floor with sauna, cate­ring and staff rooms is also easy to read.

Flooded with light, the foyer of the aquatic sports center welcomes visi­tors with a plea­sant atmo­sphere; it also gives indi­vi­dual guests and school and club groups suffi­cient space to meet up and spend some time. The trans­pa­rent design provides views through to the pool area and lets visi­tors get their initial bearings.

The pools

After people have walked past the ticket desk they divide up and go to diffe­rent desti­na­tions around the buil­ding. Sauna guests use a wide stair­case to access the upper level, while swim­mers pass the vanity areas to enter the chan­ging cubicles for indi­vi­dual and groups.

On a total water surface of around 1,200 m², several heated swim­ming pools and a variety of water attrac­tions are available on ground floor level. These include

- a swim­ming pool with six lanes

- a school and club pool with five lanes

- a course pool with movable floor

- a multi pool with floor bubbles and neck showers

- an outdoor saline pool with swim out channel, bubble loun­gers and massage jets

- a toddler pool

- an 83 m long water slide

All swim­ming pools and pool surrounds as well as the floors of all showers, chan­ging rooms and access areas are provided with finely coor­di­nated and precisely defined tile cove­rings of the brand Agrob Buchtal.

The sports pool is barrier-free and acces­sible at ground level. There is a mobile lift for wheel­chair users in the pool, which is driven to the desired pool by the staff.


The heart of the complex is the land­scaped inte­rior cour­tyard. From the outside this wonderful world is only discreetly discer­nible, although it never seems too heavily screened. It can only really be expe­ri­enced when the visitor enters the buil­ding and steps through to the inte­rior: an open-air section with patios and a sauna garden, enclosed from all sides and abun­dantly planted and brought to life with bushes and small trees.

Arranged around this inte­rior cour­tyard are the bathing areas, with a textile steam bath (swim­suits required), the external swim­ming channel, an area for babies and todd­lers featuring various attrac­tions, a lear­ners’ pool, a swim­mers’ pool, and an eighty-meter water slide. The pool for schools and clubs has an inte­grated diving section with one-meter, three-meter, and five-meter boards, and part of the floor can be raised or lowered.


The appearance of the bathing world on the ground floor is charac­te­rized in parti­cular by the high propor­tion of daylight, the spacious­ness and the consis­t­ently sporty, fresh and yet unob­tru­sive colours. The walls and ceilings appear in velvety fair-faced concrete or with warm wood clad­ding.

The essen­tial link for the seam­less tran­si­tions between the indi­vi­dual bathing areas are the porce­lain stone­ware floor tiles of the Trias series from Agrob Buchtal, which are uniformly finished in zinc grey. They were used in two formats: as a filigree 5 x 5 cm mosaic and as 30 x 60 cm tiles. This larger format was laid in free bond above all in the chan­ging rooms as well as in the access and rest zones.

The mosaic format also realized with ceramic tiles of the brand Agrob Buchtal can be found around the swim­ming pools and in the wet areas. On the one hand, because it reliably meets the requi­re­ments of slip resis­tance class R11/B and on the other hand, because connec­tions to other compon­ents such as drains, columns, gutters etc. or drai­nage areas can be realized more easily and aesthe­ti­cally with this small format.

The swimming area

The mate­rials used for the swim­ming area under­line its open and trans­pa­rent character, suffused with light. Patterned with holes and acou­sti­cally effec­tive, the warmly toned wooden ceiling makes for a plea­sant contrast.

All heated benches are covered with round mosaics not least because a specific advan­tage of this mate­rial is that it clings direc­tion­lessly and homo­ge­neously to such curved struc­tures like a tailor-made suit.

The chan­ging and sani­tary rooms are deco­rated bright yellow to compen­sate atmo­sphe­ri­cally for the absence of daylight.

The heated benches and circles

The orga­ni­cally shaped heated benches in sea green offer seating and lounging places for rela­xing. At the same time they set plea­sant colour accents and also struc­ture the bathing land­scape.

They have partial surfaces with round mosaics with a diameter of 1 cm, which then merge into round mosaics with a diameter of 2 cm via vertical surfaces. The hori­zontal surfaces of the heated benches were desi­gned in the slip-resistant R11/B version because it cannot be ruled out that young bathers will walk on them. The round mosaic of the Loop series also deco­rates the walls and the floor of the children’s pool. In order to intui­tively convey to the little ones the incre­asing depth of water towards one side, the floor has an even colour gradient from light aqua blue to aqua blue over a length of 3 metres.

The archi­tects also decided in favour of round mosaics because circles play a key role in the buil­ding concept of smooth tran­si­tions. As a recur­ring design element, they have a signi­fi­cant influence on the general appearance of the sports pool: in addi­tion to round columns, skylights and lumi­n­aires, there are also acou­stic ceilings with round perfo­ra­tions.

Sauna world

The sauna world on the upper level successfully inte­grates various kinds of sauna, inno­va­tive shower expe­ri­ences, a plunge pool, assorted quiet spaces featuring diffe­rent moods, and a room with an open hearth—all adding up to the perfect condi­tions for hours of rela­xa­tion.

The cate­ring faci­li­ties are situated on the upper level too, between the swim­ming and sauna areas; these can be used by visi­tors to both sections. An elegant open stair­case links not only the diffe­rent func­tions but also both levels at this point.

With regard to formats and loca­tions, the floor tiles of the Trias series of Agrob Buchtal were used iden­ti­cally in the sauna area of the upper floor as in the bathing land­scape on the ground floor. The only diffe­rence is the slightly darker colour iron ore, which, toge­ther with the gene­rally warmer and eart­hier range of colours, creates a cosy room atmo­sphere.

Experience showers and sea steam bath

The archi­tects composed the expe­ri­ence showers with great atten­tion to details: they were also executed with round mosaics (2 cm diameter) from the Loop series in a speci­ally desi­gned colour gradient from coral-red to bronze-metallic to dark violet, produced by Agrob Buchtal espe­ci­ally for this project.

The sea steam bath offers another, like­wise unmist­akable colour world. Square 2 x 2 cm mosaics of the Amano series of the brand Jasba were used there. With the colours anthr­acite and pure blue as well as water­co­lour-like, glossy surfaces, this ceramic wall cove­ring makes atmo­spheric refe­rence to the under­water world of the nearby Lake Cons­tance.


The Sportbad Fried­richs­hafen follows a clear plan — from concept to detail. The whole is more here than the sum of its parts and makes the Sportbad Fried­richs­hafen a model for unpre­ten­tious but at the same time memo­rable archi­tec­ture.

The Sportbad Fried­richs­hafen is a show­case example of how strong the emotional effect of ceramic wall and floor tiles can be. The great variety of colours, forms and formats in this project is never an end in itself, but always part of a sensuous holi­stic overall compo­si­tion, which lives not least from details that are initi­ally hardly noti­ceable, such as, for example, the letter plates made of floor tiles from the series Trias of Agrob Buchtal, which indi­cate the depth of the water at the pool edges.

Instead of using stan­dard off-the-shelf stain­less steel panels, the archi­tects wanted to use tiles of diffe­rent colours to create a homo­ge­neous appearance. After cutting out the nume­rals using water jet tech­no­logy, the parts were reas­sem­bled, pointed and inte­grated as “ceramic inlays” with a casual natu­ral­ness — one of many proofs for the successful symbiosis of unob­tru­sive crea­ti­vity and archi­tec­tural strin­gency.


We did this.

Compa­nies involved & Links


City of Fried­richs­hafen
Stadt­bauamt Fried­richs­hafen
Char­lot­ten­straße 12
D — 88046 Fried­richs­hafen



City of Fried­richs­hafen
Amt für Bildung, Betreuung und Sport
Sport­park 1
D — 88046 Fried­richs­hafen



Behnisch Archi­tekten
Rote­bühl­straße 163A
D — 70197 Stutt­gart



Sportbad Fried­richs­hafen
Am Sport­park 1
D — 88045 Fried­richs­hafen




Agrob Buchtal GmbH
Buchtal 1
D‑92521 Schwar­zen­feld



©Behnisch Architekten/Agrob Buchtal
Fotos: David Matthiessen


Johannes Bühl­be­cker
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