The Arch

The Arc at Green School


The geometry of this arch not only saves a lot of building material, it also results in a beautiful sports hall.

The Arc aims to set new standards for sustainable building and education.

The Arc is the newest buil­ding on campus at the world-renowned Green School in Bali, Indo­nesia. The school has a 12 year history of brea­king boun­da­ries and expan­ding hori­zons.

The Arc is the newest bench­mark in that history, raising the bar for sustainable educa­tion around the world. The first buil­ding of its kind ever made.

Along the way, The Arc is a fanta­stic and distinctly multi­func­tional sports hall.

The Arc at Green School is built from a series of inter­sec­ting 14 meter tall bamboo arches span­ning 19 meters, inter­con­nected by anti­c­la­stic grids­hells which derive their strength from curving in two oppo­site direc­tions.

The design model was a mammal’s chest.

The Arc is a feat of engi­nee­ring; it required months of rese­arch and deve­lo­p­ment and fine tuning of tailor-made details. The result is a refined design with unpar­al­leled beauty.

The Arc employs one of nature’s grea­test stra­te­gies for crea­ting large spaces with minimal struc­ture. Within a human ribcage, a series of ribs working in compres­sion are held in place by a tensioned flexible layer of muscle and skin.

This creates a thin but strong enca­se­ment for the lungs. In the case of The Arc, arches working in compres­sion are held in place by tensioned anti­c­la­stic grids­hells.

The Arc’s counterintuitive orchestration of geometry brings the structure into a state of equilibrium.

These fields of grids­hells appear to drape across the spaces between impos­sibly thin arches soaring over­head, giving a whimsy, inti­macy and beauty to the space. Although, the grids­hells appear to hang from the arches, they actually hold them up.

“The grids­hells use shape stiff­ness to form the roof enclo­sure and provide buck­ling resis­tance to the para­bolic arches. The two systems toge­ther create an unique and highly efficient struc­ture, able to flex under load allo­wing the struc­ture to redis­tri­bute weight, easing loca­lised forces on the arches.” says Neil Thomas from Atelier One.

The Arc’s coun­ter­in­tui­tive orchestra­tion of geometry brings the struc­ture into a state of equi­li­brium, which means a drama­ti­cally decreased neces­sity for struc­tural mate­rial. This also means an unpre­ce­dented inner volume with an impos­sibly thin struc­ture and without any distrac­ting trusses.

We did this.

Project data




Grren School Bali


Green School Bali
Jalan Raya Sibang Kaja
Banjar Saren
Abian­semal, Badung
IDN  ‑Bali 80352








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aquanale & FSB 2021

aquanale and FSB


Spanning in total around 65,000 m² of exhibition space, FSB and aquanale, turn the fair grounds in Cologne into the “place to be”.

FSB will take place from 26 to 29 October 2021 in co-location with aquanale.

FSB, the Inter­na­tional Trade Fair for Public Space, Sports and Leisure Faci­li­ties, which kicks off in Cologne in less than eight weeks, is all set to go. The leading inter­na­tional trade fair for the industry will play a key role in successfully relaun­ching the market and is a must for anyone wanting to achieve success in the play, sports, public space and leisure sectors.

Only here do all industry players get a compre­hen­sive over­view of what’s new: the latest tech­no­lo­gies, product inno­va­tions, process opti­mi­sa­tions and visio­nary plan­ning. The #B‑Safe4Business hygiene concept and the new 3‑G concept, CH3CK, which requires all atten­dees to be fully vacci­nated, or have reco­vered from an infec­tion within the last six months (but at least 28 days ago), or test nega­tive for Covid, will ensure that all parti­ci­pants are comple­tely safe.

Around 270 compa­nies from 35 count­ries will be exhi­bi­ting at FSB, which this year will cover appro­xi­m­ately 37,000 sqm in Halls 9 and 10.1 of the Cologne trade fair grounds. More than 70 per cent of the exhi­bi­tors are from abroad. The stron­gest inter­na­tional presences come from France, the Nether­lands, Belgium, Poland, Italy, Spain, the USA, Turkey and the Scan­di­na­vian count­ries. The exhi­bi­ting compa­nies cover ever­y­thing rela­ting to public spaces, play­ground equip­ment, outdoor fitness, ice sports, sports equip­ment, sports floo­ring and stadium infra­struc­ture.      

Around 180 companies from 25 countries will be exhibiting at aquanale.

Around 180 compa­nies from 25 count­ries will be exhi­bi­ting at aqua­nale, which this year will cover appro­xi­m­ately 24,000 sqm. 58 per cent of the exhi­bi­tors are from abroad.

Around 180 compa­nies from 25 count­ries will be exhi­bi­ting at aqua­nale, which this year will cover appro­xi­m­ately 24,000 sqm. 58 per cent of the exhi­bi­tors are from abroad.

This is where German and inter­na­tional trade fair visi­tors from specia­lised pool cons­truc­tion compa­nies, local autho­ri­ties, water parks, architect’s and plan­ning offices, hotels, day spas, gyms, sani­tary, heating and air-condi­tio­ning compa­nies as well as premium private visi­tors can inform them­selves. 

Spanning in total around 65,000 m² of exhibition space, FSB and aquanale, turn the fair grounds in Cologne into the “place to be”.

Span­ning in total around 65,000 square metres of exhi­bi­tion space, both events, FSB and aqua­nale, turn the fair grounds in Cologne into the most important loca­tion for amenity area plan­ning and design, the archi­tec­ture and manage­ment of sports faci­li­ties, play­grounds, sports equip­ment, exer­cise areas, recrea­tional faci­li­ties, as well as the public and private pool sectors.

With IAKS, the Inter­na­tional Asso­cia­tion for Sports and Leisure Faci­li­ties, as its concep­tual partner, and with FIFA, the Synthetic Turf Council (STC) and its EMEA branch (ESTC), the German Olympic Sports Confe­de­ra­tion (DOSB), the Federal Asso­cia­tion of Play­ground Equip­ment and Leisure Faci­li­ties Manu­fac­tu­rers (BSFH), STADTund­RAUM and the Sport­netz­werk @FSB network also on board, FSB enjoys the backing of many asso­cia­tions and coope­ra­tion part­ners, all of whom have plenty to offer both in terms of sports and addi­tional content matter over nume­rous dedi­cated exhi­bi­tion areas. The world-renowned IAKS Congress, along with further congresses and specia­lised events under­line the signi­fi­cance of FSB as the leading inter­na­tional trade fair for the industry. 


The main programme theme for the IAKS Congress 2021 is “Developing healthy and sustainable communities”.

The IAKS Congress will be taking place as part of FSB for the 27th time this year. The main programme theme for the IAKS Congress 2021 is “Deve­lo­ping healthy and sustainable commu­ni­ties”, provi­ding an oppor­tu­nity to explore how local autho­ri­ties can create the right condi­tions for healthy and sustainable life­styles for citi­zens. Congress sessions will focus on issues like “Climate change and envi­ron­mental sustaina­bi­lity”, opera­tional solu­tions (“Digi­ta­li­sa­tion and future trends”), and the social sustaina­bi­lity of sports and leisure faci­li­ties.

In addi­tion, IOC, IPC and IAKS will once again confer the coveted inter­na­tional archi­tec­ture prizes in 2021. The awards draw the public’s atten­tion to exem­plary buil­dings and faci­li­ties that succeed in brin­ging the factors sustaina­bi­lity and legacy, clear func­tion­a­lity and excep­tional archi­tec­ture into harmony with each other. 86 teams of opera­tors and archi­tects from 25 count­ries are vying for the awards this year. Further­more, the IOC IPC IAKS Archi­tec­ture and Design Award for Students and Young Profes­sio­nals invites young archi­tects, land­scape archi­tects and desi­gners to conceive inven­tive spaces and surfaces for an active life­style. 44 students and career entrants from 12 count­ries have submitted their design concepts here.

We did this.

More information


nter­na­tional Trade Fair for Public Space, Sports and Leisure Faci­li­ties


Messe­platz 1
D — 50679 Köln


Inter­na­tional Trade Fair for Sauna.Pool.Ambience







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