
Xi’an International Football Centre

Zaha Hadid Architects


The new Xi’an Inter­na­tional Foot­ball Centre will be 60,000-seat stadium for national and inter­na­tional matches as well as dome­stic league games, youth trai­ning acade­mies, enter­tain­ment perfor­mances and cultural events. The centre will be located in Xi’an’s Feng­dong New District with its stations on the city’s expan­ding metro network.

With a popu­la­tion of nine million people and two profes­sional foot­ball clubs, Xi’an will be a host city of the 2023 Asian Foot­ball Confe­de­ra­tion (AFC) Asian Cup in China. Taking its legacy mode of opera­tions as the starting point of the design, the stadium has been desi­gned to provide optimum condi­tions for foot­ball and maxi­mize its use by gene­ra­tions after the 2023 tour­na­ment.

Open façades

Inte­grated within the ortho­gonal urban grid of Fengdong’s busi­ness district, Xi’an Inter­na­tional Foot­ball Centre‘s open façades invite the city into the heart of the buil­ding to enjoy its public spaces, recrea­tion and dining faci­li­ties throug­hout the day. Located in a series of shaded south-facing garden terraces with views over the city to Qing Moun­tain, these amen­i­ties will also serve spec­ta­tors visi­ting the stadium during foot­ball matches, cultural events and perfor­mances.

The swee­ping lines of the façade protect the stadium from nort­herly winds and convey the fluid forms of the roof that shel­ters the saddle-shaped seating bowl which maxi­mizes the spec­tator seating provided at midfield.


The design employs an ultra-light­weight long span cable-net roof struc­ture, resul­ting in a minimum load and mate­rial foot­print that in turn reduces the stadium’s primary struc­ture. Wide peri­meter roof over­hangs shelter faci­li­ties within the building’s enve­lope while the large, shaded, open-air terraces and public concourses incor­po­rates exten­sive plan­ting on all levels, provi­ding comfor­table condi­tions in Xi’an’s hot conti­nental summer climate.

Supported by the tensioned cable-net struc­ture, a trans­lu­cent membrane over the seating protects spec­ta­tors from incle­ment weather and direct sunlight while also allo­wing the most amount of natural light to reach the playing surface, promo­ting the growth of grass on the pitch to provide playing condi­tions of the highest stan­dard.


Digital model­ling has defined the geometry of the spec­ta­tors’ seating bowl to opti­mize proxi­mity and views to the field of play from all 60,000 seats, gene­ra­ting the most exci­ting atmo­sphere for foot­ball and ensu­ring an outstan­ding match expe­ri­ence for all players and spec­ta­tors.

China’s ancient capital and core of the Silk Road, Xi’an has a long history of welco­ming visi­tors from around the world. In the global arena of foot­ball, the Xi’an Inter­na­tional Foot­ball Centre conti­nues this tradi­tion and builds a lasting legacy of new civic spaces, sports and recrea­tional faci­li­ties for the city.

We did this.

Project data


Zaha Hadid Archi­tects (ZHA)

Patrik Schu­ma­cher, Charles Walker, Nils Fischer
Jakub Klaska, Lei Zheng
Shajay Bhooshan, Vishu Bhooshan, Jianfei Chu, Chun-Yen Chen, Hung-Da Chien, Marina Dimopoulou, Cesar Fraga­chan, Michael Forward, Matthew Gabe, Stratis Geor­giou, Charles Harris, Yen-fen Huang, Han Hsun Hsieh, Yihoon Kim, Henry Louth, Martha Masli, Mauro Sabiu, Xin Swift, Adeliia Papulzan, Pablo Agustin Vivas

Partner Architect

Intel­li­gent Design for Emer­ging Archi­tec­ture (iDEA)

Yan Gao, Jianyou Yang, Bin Wu, Fiona Huang, Jingshan Zhong, Shis­hang Deng, Qiongli Lu, Ting Liu, Xinyu Kou, Daria Morkov­kina, Haixia Zhang


Xi’an Inter­na­tional Foot­ball Centre
CN — Feng­dong, Xi’an


Zaha Hadid Archi­tects


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