Wiesental outdoor pool

Best of Bochum

The 50-meter pool was and is the decisive factor behind the ongoing success of SV Blau-Weiß Bochum, both in fitness and competitive sports.

The new 50-meter pool was introduced in the summer of 2021. It is used for both competitive and popular sports.

The beau­tifully situated Wiesental outdoor pool in Bochum is the home of SV Blau-Weiß Bochum, one of the largest swim­ming clubs in Germany.

The new 50-meter pool was intro­duced in the summer of 2021. It is used for both compe­ti­tive and popular sports. Blau-Weiß Bochum has been espe­ci­ally domi­nant in women’s water polo.

The new pool replaces an outdated liner pool occu­pying roughly the same space. It was supplied and installed by Myrtha Pools.

The CO2 emissions in the production of a Myrtha pool are significantly reduced.

Myrtha Pools supports the deve­lo­p­ment of swim­ming by buil­ding high quality and sustainable pools. The Wiesental outdoor pool is an excel­lent example of this.

The new pool consists of stain­less steel panels that have been perma­nently coated with colored rigid PVC and bolted toge­ther and sealed on site. Using this modular system, the pool is easy to install and at the same time very robust and durable.

This tech­no­logy leads to signi­fi­cantly shorter cons­truc­tion times and shar­pely reduces the use of heavy machi­nery. In addi­tion, the CO2 emis­sions in the produc­tion of a Myrtha pool are signi­fi­cantly reduced: by 50% compared to a tradi­tional rein­forced concrete pool, and by 30% compared to a welded steel pool.
The modular, stain­less steel panel approach enables abso­lute precision from plan­ning to instal­la­tion. In addi­tion, the pool can be operated prac­ti­cally main­ten­ance-free for the first 20 to 30 years — another clear advan­tage over the tiles and joints required for concrete pools.

The 50-meter pool was and is the decisive factor behind the ongoing success of SV Blau-Weiß Bochum, both in fitness and competitive sports.

The Wiesental outdoor pool was first opened in 1950. Origi­nally, only a 25-meter pool was planned and approved, but ener­getic club members spon­ta­neously built a 50-meter pool instead. That fateful choice turned out to be crucial, as this large pool was and is the decisive factor behind the ongoing success of SV Blau-Weiß Bochum, both in fitness and compe­ti­tive sports.

The compe­ti­tion pool is the heart of the faci­lity. Since 2013 it has been covered with an inflated dome in winter, and since summer 2021 it has featured the wonderfully updated Myrtha Pools vessel. It is used for both compe­ti­tive and popular sports.

In addi­tion, the aquatic centre offers a teaching pool, a lawn for sunbathing, a sun terrace that is used as a grand­stand during meets, a play­ground, a beach volley­ball field and a small gym and well­ness area.
The setting is completed by first-class amen­i­ties inclu­ding chan­ging rooms, and spaces for admi­nis­tra­tion, main­ten­ance and food services.

Myrtha Pools is also a supplier of mega events where ecological sustainability is required — for example the Olympic Games in Beijing 2008, in London 2012, Rio de Janeiro 2016 and Tokyo 2021.

Myrtha Pools was founded in 1961 in Castig­lione delle Stiviere on Lake Garda. Today the company supplies and installs more than 1,500 swim­ming pools per year in 70 count­ries world­wide.

Myrtha Pools wants to raise public aware­ness of the importance of sustainable, func­tional and barrier-free sports faci­li­ties. Myrtha pools offer lasting quality throug­hout their life­cycle — from quick and easy instal­la­tion to hassle-free disposal. In between there is a long life with almost no main­ten­ance and a high quality of use.

That is why Myrtha Pools is also a supplier of mega events where ecolo­gical sustaina­bi­lity is required — for example the Olympic Games in Beijing 2008, in London 2012, Rio de Janeiro 2016 and Tokyo 2021.

Project data


SV Blau-Weiß Bochum


Myrtha Pools

Physical address

Freibad Wiesental
Am Wiesen­grund 18
D — 44795 Bochum




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