WERK12 in Munich



The design of WERK12 combines a simple form, honest mate­rials, and trans­pa­rent façades. Users can move around the buil­ding in multiple ways: the design’s external circu­la­tion core on the building’s northe­as­tern side is supple­mented by 3.25-metre-wide terraces that surround each floor of the buil­ding. These are connected by external stair­cases curling around the buil­ding to connect these gene­rous open spaces (a playful refe­rence to one of MVRDV’s most famous early projects, the Dutch Pavi­lion at the Expo2000 in Hanover). This public route up the buil­ding blurs the distinc­tion between inte­rior and exte­rior, placing the inte­rior spaces in conver­sa­tion with exte­rior balco­nies. These are addi­tio­nally finished in the same mate­rial as the ground-level side­walks to empha­sise their status as part of the public area of the buil­ding.


The façade is animated by an urban art piece deve­loped in tandem with local artists Chris­tian Engel­mann and Beate Engl, compri­sing bold lette­ring spel­ling out common expres­sions taken from the German version of Donald Duck comics. This 5‑metre-tall lette­ring, and the collo­quial nature of the expres­sions chosen, are a tribute to the graf­fiti culture and exten­sive use of signage found on the old site. At night, the appearance of the buil­ding is trans­formed by its illu­mi­na­tion stra­tegy. Simple geome­tries and honest mate­rials morph into a vibrant light­show.


“The area of the Werks­viertel-Mitte district has already under­gone such inte­res­ting changes, trans­forming from a potato factory to a legen­dary enter­tain­ment district,” says foun­ding partner of MVRDV Jacob van Rijs. “With our design, we wanted to respect and cele­brate that history, while also crea­ting a foun­da­tion for the next chapter. WERK12 is stylish and cool on one hand, but on the other it doesn’t take itself so seriously – it’s not afraid to say ‘PUH’ to passers-by!”


The five floors of the buil­ding are occu­pied by restau­rants and bars on the ground floor, the offices of Audi Busi­ness Inno­va­tions on the top floor, and a three-storey gym in between that includes one storey dedi­cated to a swim­ming pool. WERK12’s floor-to-ceiling glass walls, combined with its loca­tion near to the train station, provide the upper levels with stun­ning views towards central Munich, punc­tuated in places by the lette­ring on the building’s terraces – many of which take on a new meaning when read in reverse.


A key to the design was in the flexi­bi­lity of the spaces. The building’s extra-high ceilings – with 5.5 metres between each floor – allows for mezza­nines or other level changes to be added by future users. The place­ment of the circu­la­tion on the outside of the buil­ding means that the inte­riors can be easily recon­fi­gured, while also provi­ding struc­tural stabi­lity through the use of the diagonal stair­cases.

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Compa­nies involved & Links


OTEC GmbH & Co. KG
ECKhaus | Atelier­straße 1
D — 81671 München




Ossip van Duiven­bode
Halve­ma­an­pas­sage 103
NL — 3011DL Rotterdam


MVRDV Rotterdam
Achter­klooster 7
NL — 3011 RA Rotterdam
Winy Maas, Jacob van Rijs and Nathalie de Vries, Jacob van Rijs, Fokke Moerel, Markus Nagler, Roy Sieljes and Jona­than Schuster, Antonio Luca Coco, Pavlos Ventouris, Kirill Emelianov

N‑V-O Nuyken von Oefele Archi­tekten BDA
Winze­rer­strasse 44
D — 80797 München

Operator & Address

body + soul
Spei­cher­strasse 20
D — 81671 München



Johannes Bühl­be­cker
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