Salle des fêtes de Pratgraussals


The “Salle des fêtes de Pratgraussals”: a multifunctional venue in France and part of the “Festival Pause Guitare Sud de France”.

For the community centre, ppa architectures + Encore Heureux have proposed a building that responds to the landscape, and whose morphology allows for a variety of possible uses.

The Couch by MVRDVPhoto: ©Daria Scagliola & Stijn Brakkee


On the north bank of the river Tarn, 400m as the crow flies from Albi’s cele­brated Cathe­dral of Saint Cecilia, Prat­graus­sals sits in a bend on the river on the site of a former quarry, latterly appre­ciated for leisure and nature.


For the new commu­nity centre, ppa●architectures + Encore Heureux have proposed a buil­ding that responds to the land­scape, and whose morpho­logy allows for a variety of possible future uses.

The distant spire of Saint Cecilia’s Cathe­dral calls for a buil­ding of great simpli­city, laid out hori­zon­tally, its gallery rein­for­cing its pede­strian links.


The sloping roofs indi­cate the centre, over the main events hall, and the two extre­mi­ties at the south and north corre­spond respec­tively to the main entrance and the artists’ entrance. The peri­pheral walkway becomes a suspended canopy, indi­ca­ting the entrance.

The simpli­city of the volumes and combi­na­tion of mate­rials offers a double scale: a dome­stic scale, with parti­cular refe­rence to agri­cul­tural buil­dings, and the scale of a public buil­ding open to all.


ppa • archi­tec­tures
Jean Manuel Puig, Laure Alberty, Ana Castro
9 bis rue Ernest Jean­bernat
F — 31000 Toulouse 

Nicola Delon, Margot Cordier , Olivier Caudal
104 rue d’Aubervilliers
F — 75019 Paris


Mairie d’Albi

The Couch by MVRDVPhoto: ©Daria Scagliola & Stijn Brakkee
The Couch by MVRDVPhoto: ©Daria Scagliola & Stijn Brakkee
The Couch by MVRDVPhoto: ©Daria Scagliola & Stijn Brakkee
The Couch by MVRDVPhoto: ©Daria Scagliola & Stijn Brakkee

The centre of the project is the large events hall, whose roof makes it possible to adapt a reception area by decomposing it into three separate spaces.


The Prat­graus­sals commu­nity centre is a major amenity, part of the commu­nity, invi­ting, conceived to cater for the wide range of events that it needs to accom­mo­date.

The brief stipu­lates the cons­truc­tion of a large hall to seat 500, plus asso­ciated services: recep­tion, dres­sing rooms, tech­nical logi­stics, kitchens, manage­ment, as well as the neces­sary external deve­lo­p­ments in the meadow to the west, with its events stage.


A hall desi­gned both as an important piece of equip­ment for the Pause Guitare festival, and a welco­ming and convi­vial buil­ding for multiple uses in the city of Albi. A simple brief for a commu­nity venue for parties, meetings, games and events for all ages and all passions.


The centre of the project is the large events hall, whose roof makes it possible to adapt a recep­tion area by decom­po­sing it into three sepa­rate spaces, thus being able to accom­mo­date a range of confi­gu­ra­tions.

Parti­cular care was given to ensure both natural light during the daytime, as well as the possi­bi­lity to black out for shows or projec­tions.


At either end of this space are, to the south the main entrance to the buil­ding, and to the north a secon­dary entrance, provi­ding the option of exten­ding the events’ space out into these two addi­tional volumes.

A broad canopy protects the southern entrance from the summer sun or provides shelter from the rain. On the north side, the canopy extends out away from the buil­ding, forming an external space like a little patio giving onto the park, which can be priva­tised. To the east, a func­tional concept provides access the entire buil­ding via an internal access passage.


Salle des fêtes de Prat­graus­sals
113 rue de Lamothe
Ville d’Albi
F — 81000 Toulouse



The Couch by MVRDVPhoto: ©Daria Scagliola & Stijn Brakkee
The Couch by MVRDVPhoto: ©Daria Scagliola & Stijn Brakkee
The Couch by MVRDVPhoto: ©Daria Scagliola & Stijn Brakkee

The building blends in perfectly and modestly with its surroundings — a real landmark for the municipality of Albi.


This large space is covered by a zinc roof consis­ting of eight clearly defined pitches, contri­bu­ting to the iconic form of the buil­ding. The facades are clad in timber from the Limousin region. The bases of the walls are in prefa­bri­cated concrete studded with pebbles from the neigh­bou­ring Tarn river. The mate­rials are simple and natural, signs of basic comfort and real dura­bi­lity.


Cyrus Cornut
Phil­ippe Ruault
Hugo Segura
Encore Heureux


Johannes Bühl­be­cker
More Sports Media



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