Acoustic ceilings in swimming pools


To be successful in offering relaxation, the quality of the building materials used along with attractive facilities is crucial.

Ceiling and walls clad with Troldtekt acoustic panels effectively absorb the sounds of splashing, shouting and playing, thus contributing to pleasant acoustics in swimming centres.

Photos (3):
MĆ¼nster-KinderĀ­haus Pool, Ā© Torben Weiss

Escape from everĀ­yday life and expeĀ­riĀ­ence relaĀ­xing moments. This is what todayā€™s guests expect from an indoor swimĀ­ming pool. To offer this, not only attracĀ­tive features are required ā€” the quality of the builĀ­ding mateĀ­rials used also deterĀ­mines the well-being of the guests and thus the success of the pool.

Ceiling and walls clad with TroldĀ­tekt acouĀ­stic panels effecĀ­tively absorb the sounds of splasĀ­hing, shouĀ­ting and playing, thus contriĀ­buĀ­ting to pleaĀ­sant acouĀ­stics in swimĀ­ming centres.

Cement-bonded wood wool panels are also durable, with a natural resisĀ­tance to moisĀ­ture. The flexible design options also offer considerable archiĀ­tecĀ­tural freedom.

ChooĀ­sing mateĀ­rials is a partiĀ­cuĀ­larly chalĀ­lenĀ­ging process for archiĀ­tects desigĀ­ning swimĀ­ming centres. Of course, the mateĀ­rials have to aestheĀ­tiĀ­cally match the archiĀ­tecĀ­tural idiom. But a number of funcĀ­tional requiĀ­reĀ­ments also need addresĀ­sing.

SwimĀ­ming centres are usually large spaces, high-ceilinged and with many glass or concrete surfaces. In combiĀ­naĀ­tion with the excited shrieks of children having fun in the water, this calls for acouĀ­stiĀ­cally exacĀ­ting soluĀ­tions. It is therĀ­eĀ­fore important that the large ceiling and wall surfaces are clad with mateĀ­rials that have a high absorpĀ­tion coefĀ­fiĀ­cient ā€“ so they effecĀ­tively soak up the sounds.

EnviĀ­ronĀ­ments with constant high humiĀ­dity also place addiĀ­tional demands on the strength and moisĀ­ture toleĀ­rance of the mateĀ­rials. Finally, the expanĀ­sive walls often need a very carefully conceived visual design.

TroldĀ­tekt panels are chosen for many swimĀ­ming centres ā€“ and outdoor baths ā€“ because the natural advanĀ­tages of the cement-bonded wood wool panels perfectly match the requiĀ­reĀ­ments. You can read about five reasons why TroldĀ­tekt is an ideal choice below.

Cement-bonded wood wool retains the essential qualities of the components used to produce it ā€“ the strength of cement and the natural breathability of wood.

Photos (3):
NautiĀ­land in WĆ¼rzĀ­burg, Ā© Olaf Wiechers

SupeĀ­rior acouĀ­stics

The open strucĀ­ture of TroldĀ­tekt acouĀ­stic panels absorbs sound effecĀ­tively. The result is shorter reverĀ­beĀ­raĀ­tion times, miniĀ­miĀ­sing unpleaĀ­sant noise ā€“ in the swimĀ­ming pool areas and in the assoĀ­ciated faciĀ­liĀ­ties (chanĀ­ging rooms, cafĆ© etc.).

Ā» Read more about good acouĀ­stics

Natural strength

Cement-bonded wood wool retains the essenĀ­tial qualiĀ­ties of the componĀ­ents used to produce it ā€“ the strength of cement and the natural breatĀ­haĀ­biĀ­lity of wood. TroldĀ­tekt acouĀ­stic panels are moisĀ­ture-toleĀ­rant and therĀ­eĀ­fore extreĀ­mely suitable as acouĀ­stic ceilings in wet rooms. The panels cannot rot and do not attract fungal growth or other microĀ­orĀ­gaĀ­nisms.

The Danish TechĀ­noĀ­loĀ­gical InstiĀ­tute has docuĀ­mented that TroldĀ­tekt acouĀ­stic panels are suitable for instalĀ­ling in rooms with:

  • moisĀ­ture levels of up to 98 per cent (+/- 2 per cent)
  • high tempeĀ­raĀ­tures of up to at least 40 degrees.

TroldĀ­tekt has thus achieved the highest CE marking level (D) for water resisĀ­tance.

The docuĀ­menĀ­taĀ­tion shows that TroldĀ­tekt is a robust choice for even the most humid and warm rooms such as swimĀ­ming pools, shower rooms and wellĀ­ness departĀ­ments.

Ā» Read more about natural strength

EffecĀ­tive fireĀ­proĀ­ofing

Wood alone is an organic and flammable mateĀ­rial, but every single wood fibre in a TroldĀ­tekt panel is encapĀ­suĀ­lated and protected by cement. TroldĀ­tekt panels are therĀ­eĀ­fore fireĀ­proof without the use of any fire retarĀ­dant or dangeĀ­rous chemiĀ­cals.

TroldĀ­tekt acouĀ­stic panels are fire clasĀ­siĀ­fied under EuroĀ­pean stanĀ­dard EN 13501. TroldĀ­tekt acouĀ­stic panels are clasĀ­siĀ­fied as Bā€‘s1,d0, which denotes the materialā€™s reacĀ­tion to fire. In pracĀ­tice, this means that TroldĀ­tekt panels are only weakly combusĀ­tible and weakly heat and smoke-emitĀ­ting.

Ā» Read more about effecĀ­tive fire protecĀ­tion

Troldtekt panels can be used to create a unique look on large ceiling and wall surfaces, adding to the whole as sound-absorbing design elements.

Photos (3):
Kusel SwimĀ­ming Pool, Ā© Olaf Wiechers

Flexible design

TroldĀ­tekt panels offer a number of diffeĀ­rent design options. Through special instalĀ­laĀ­tion, colours or CNC machiĀ­ning, the panels can be used to create a unique look on large ceiling and wall surfaces, adding to the whole as sound-absorĀ­bing design elements.

TroldĀ­tekt design soluĀ­tions come with the same great techĀ­nical properĀ­ties as the classic TroldĀ­tekt acouĀ­stic panels.

Ā» See the design options

DocuĀ­mented sustainaĀ­biĀ­lity

TroldĀ­tekt is certiĀ­fied in the silver cateĀ­gory under the interĀ­naĀ­tioĀ­nally recoĀ­gĀ­nised Cradle to Cradle scheme.

The certiĀ­fiĀ­caĀ­tion was attained in part because the panels contain no subsĀ­tances that are harmful to humans or the enviĀ­ronĀ­ment. They can therĀ­eĀ­fore return to the bioloĀ­gical cycle as nutriĀ­ents, or to a techĀ­nical cycle as a raw mateĀ­rial in cement producĀ­tion.


Ramboll has also outlined how TroldĀ­tekt speciĀ­fiĀ­cally contriĀ­butes points to areas such as total cost of ownerĀ­ship, indoor climate and mateĀ­rials in the leading sustainaĀ­biĀ­lity certiĀ­fiĀ­caĀ­tions ā€“ DGNB, LEED and BREEAM.

Ā» Read more about docuĀ­mented sustainaĀ­biĀ­lity

Simple instalĀ­laĀ­tion

TroldĀ­tekt panels are installed directly on battens on ceilings and walls or using profile systems such as suspended ceilings ā€“ with concealed or visible profiles. When instalĀ­ling the panels, only a few screws are needed per panel. There is no need to use filler or paint after instalĀ­laĀ­tion.

The TroldĀ­tekt series includes speciĀ­ally desiĀ­gned screws that match the panelsā€™ stanĀ­dard colours and strucĀ­ture. If you choose TroldĀ­tekt panels in custom colours, we can supply extra paint so you can dab the screws in the same colour.

Ā» See more about instalĀ­laĀ­tion

Project data

Acoustic ceiling

TroldĀ­tekt GmbH
FrieĀ­senweg 4 Ā· Haus 12
D ā€” 22763 Hamburg


Dipl.-Ing. ArchiĀ­tekt Olaf Wiechers
BĆ¼ro fĆ¼r ArchiĀ­tektur  +  MediĀ­enĀ­dienstĀ­leisĀ­tungen
Klaus-Groth-Str. 1
D ā€” 21629 Neu Wulmstorf




Olaf Wiechers
Torben Weiss MĆ¼nster-KinderĀ­haus Pool)

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