“More Sports. More Architecture.” media data

Special. Emotional.

The Couch by MVRDVPhoto: ©Daria Scagliola & Stijn Brakkee

The belly has to be part of it. And the mind, of course.

Arena and oasis

“More Sports. More Archi­tec­ture.” is the stage for your projects and products from the world of sports and leisure faci­li­ties.

We are all about archi­tec­ture and the mate­rials to make a sports field bubble over with acti­vity and a swim­ming centre into an oasis.

With this publi­ca­tion, we publi­cise sports halls and arenas, swim­ming pools and well­ness faci­li­ties, stadiums and sports fields, school and nurse­ries, informal sports amen­i­ties, sports equip­ment at holiday resorts or shop­ping centres, on the roof­tops of super­mar­kets or under motorway bridges.

Outdoors, as well as indoors.

Emotion and information

Sport and leisure are very emotional topics. That makes it easy for us to talk about our projects and products in exci­ting articles, which stick in our readers’ memo­ries. And in a posi­tive way too.

We invite and invoke emotions. And we show how and with which mate­rials these emotions can be achieved. These messages hit the mark.

Our portal has 15,000 visitors per month.

Our newsletter goes out to 6,700 subscribers.

Our articles are available in both locations – and on LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest to boot.

Our readers are primarily designers, followed by building contractors, companies and outfitters.

Target group

“More Sports. More Archi­tec­ture.” targets desi­gners, provi­ders and outfit­ters of sports and leisure faci­li­ties first and fore­most.

Unlike on flas­hing portals and plat­forms, we are specia­lised in this specific industry, and have been for many years.

We provide the projects, products and infor­ma­tion that our readers are genui­nely inte­rested in. That’s why “More Sports. More Archi­tec­ture.” provides quality time, which is what causes our subscriber numbers to rise conti­nuously.

The Couch by MVRDVPhoto: ©Daria Scagliola & Stijn Brakkee
The Couch by MVRDVPhoto: ©Daria Scagliola & Stijn Brakkee
The Couch by MVRDVPhoto: ©Daria Scagliola & Stijn Brakkee
The Couch by MVRDVPhoto: ©Daria Scagliola & Stijn Brakkee
The Couch by MVRDVPhoto: ©Daria Scagliola & Stijn Brakkee


Our sites have an average of 15,000 visi­tors a month. That is a considerable number.

Nevert­heless, we don’t put all our stock in access numbers or click rates, espe­ci­ally not here in the B2B sector.

It’s what sticks that matters.


Only rarely do product campaigns coin­cide perfectly with the concrete needs of desi­gners and buil­ding contrac­tors. No one is buys 7,000 m2 of arti­fi­cial turf, stain­less steel basin, safety surfa­cing or ceramic tiles every day.

This is B2B, after all.


That’s why we target hearts and minds. If you can take root there, you’re already most of the way there when­ever our readers (your custo­mers) are in need.

To get you there, we choose well-told and well-desi­gned stories and infor­ma­tion – as well as exclu­sive, attrac­tive adver­ti­sing formats.


With a booking

  • you can intro­duce your­selves in our news­letter to over 6,700 industry experts
  • you have a perma­nent link on our plat­form.

All our articles and promotional messages follow our durability concept “Once it’s in, it’s in forever.”

Once you are in the newsletter, you are always at “More Sports. More Architecture.”

Our platform, our formats

“More Sports. More Archi­tec­ture.” pres­ents buil­dings and buil­ding mate­rials, ideas and initia­tives. Our formats are posts and adver­to­rials, lots of types of banner ads, inter­views, company profiles and exclu­sive mailings.

Contact us.

The Couch by MVRDVPhoto: ©Daria Scagliola & Stijn Brakkee
The Couch by MVRDVPhoto: ©Daria Scagliola & Stijn Brakkee
The Couch by MVRDVPhoto: ©Daria Scagliola & Stijn Brakkee
The Couch by MVRDVPhoto: ©Daria Scagliola & Stijn Brakkee
The Couch by MVRDVPhoto: ©Daria Scagliola & Stijn Brakkee

Our newsletter

The direct adver­ti­sing in the news­letter provides great target audi­ence secu­rity because our letters are curr­ently sent to almost 6,800 readers.


Our readers

The subscri­bers to our news­letter are composed of players from the world of sports and leisure faci­li­ties.

The largest group within them is the desi­gners (espe­ci­ally archi­tects and land­scapers), followed by buil­ding contrac­tors and provi­ders, as well as compa­nies and outfit­ters.

Our concept

All our articles and promo­tional messages follow our sustaina­bi­lity concept “Once it’s in, it’s in forever.”

Once you are in the news­letter, you are always at “More Sports. More Archi­tec­ture.”

Bonus: Social Media

We also post your article on our social media chan­nels: Face­book, Insta­gram, LinkedIn and Pinte­rest.

This also expands your audi­ence.

Our network does like us


More Sports Media
Am Weit­kamp 17
D‑44795 Bochum

+49 234 5466 0374
+49 172 4736 332


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