The McArena open-air halls at the Sportpark Weil

Football and everything else

Open-air halls have a bright future — especially when they are as versatile as the McArenas Esslingen.

The two open-air halls are barrier-free and can be used in a variety of ways.

In the spring of 2022, two adja­cent open-air halls were opened in Esslingen am Neckar: one for foot­ball, the other for ever­y­thing else. They expand upon the Sport­park Weil’s already impres­sive offe­ring: foot­ball, fencing, tennis, bowling, dancing, health-focused or reha­bi­li­ta­tive sport, indoor and outdoor volley­ball – this is all possible here.

The two open-air halls are barrier-free and can be used in a variety of ways. They were built by McArena.

Users of the halls include the neigh­bou­ring clubs and schools, but also private groups, who can secure a time slot online. The state and the federal govern­ments supported the cons­truc­tion of the Esslingen McArenas by provi­ding 712,000 euros. This corre­sponds to 90 percent of the char­geable costs.

There is an increasing need for smaller, multifunctional facilities which can be accessed quickly and without membership.

The ongoing boom in open-air halls is a logical conse­quence of the way our sports beha­viour has changed.

The sport we want to do is beco­ming more and more nuanced and indi­vi­dual. Classic core sports venues need to evolve, and are doing so. There is an incre­asing need for smaller, multi­func­tional faci­li­ties which can be accessed quickly and also used without needing to be tied to the club or have member­ship.

Today’s open-air halls, like the Esslingen McArenas, are roofed, versa­tile sports fields that can be illu­mi­nated and which are tech­ni­cally very well equipped. However, their biggest advan­tage is that they allow us do sports outdoors all year round and to be protected by the roof from the wind and weather when doing so.

The two halls in Esslingen are the first to have solar panels installed and gree­nery planted on their roofs. The two halls are also extre­mely econo­mical: they do not require heating, are illu­mi­nated by LEDs, and are operated via a buil­ding auto­ma­tion system. Elec­tri­city is only consumed here when it is actually used.

The two open-air halls were designed from the outset to be barrier-free and were expressly conceived of for inclusive sports

The two open-air halls were desi­gned from the outset to be barrier-free and were expressly conceived of for inclu­sive sports. They are also used accor­dingly.

This is made possible by the 1.35-m-wide door openings on all sides and the place­ment of all opera­ting elements at hip height, or the use of wire­less opera­tion.

The two clubs FC Esslingen and SV 1845 Esslingen use the halls. In addi­tion, the surroun­ding schools, resi­dents, busi­nesses and social insti­tu­tions use the all-weather sports areas of the two open-air halls.

However, the digital opera­ting concept also enables private groups and commer­cial provi­ders to secure online time slots for the McArena.

Open-air halls have a bright future — especially when they are as versatile as the McArenas Esslingen.

The modern arti­fi­cial grass pitches are the centre­piece of the McArenas. They are ideal for most ball sports and exer­cise programmes. The circu­la­ting belts and ball nets make the game much faster and more intense. Above all, this elimi­nates the annoying task of having to fetch the ball.

The cons­truc­tion of the open-air halls consists of solid steel beams, while the roof cove­ring is made from trape­zo­idal metal sheets with anti-conden­sa­tion fleece. The roof surfaces of the two halls are each half covered with a photo­vol­taic system and exten­sive gree­nery.

The two halls have yet more extras to offer. These include LED lighting inte­grated into the roof, a digital display panel (which can be controlled via a button in the goal cross­bars), and a system for measu­ring the shoo­ting speed. The music system can be controlled via any smart­phone.

The concept and features of the Esslingen McArenas have also convinced poli­ti­cians. The state and federal govern­ments have ther­e­fore provided 712,000 euros of funding for this project. This corre­sponds to 90 percent of the char­geable costs.

Open-air halls are simply the future.

Project data

Open-air hall

McArena GmbH
Karl-Ferdi­nand-Braun-Straße 3
D — 71522 Back­nang

Physical address

Sport­park Weil
Weil­straße 199
D — 73733 Esslingen am Neckar




Johannes Bühl­be­cker
More Sports Media


McArena GmbH


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