Not everybody has this

Kusel swim­ming pool




4a Archi­tects


In order to enable bathing to continue econo­mic­ally, the exis­ting bathing land­scape of the Kusel swim­ming pool – Vitalbad Kusel – needed to a very large extent to be decon­s­tructed and rebuilt.

The aim of the design was to develop the func­tional new cons­truc­tion as an attrac­tive land­scaped bathing area with a high quality of space in which to spend time and a distinct character and to make maximum use of synergy effects.


The muni­ci­pa­lity of Kusel nestles sceni­cally in the natural region of the Pala­ti­nate Uplands and with 5,400 inha­bi­tants it is Germany’s second smal­lest district town. The Vitalbad aquatic and recrea­tional park is located at the north-western edge of the town.

The aim of the rede­ve­lo­p­ment of Kusel swim­ming pool was to increase the attrac­ti­ve­ness of the aquatic park and to increase the feel-good factor as weil as brin­ging the baths tech­ni­cally up to date.


The original single-storey buil­ding was orga­nised for classic bathing from east to west. compri­sing a foyer with cate­ring faci­li­ties, chan­ging areas and a bathing hall with pools for non-swim­mers and for swim­mers, diving towers, a slide faci­lity and an outdoor pool acces­sible from indoors. The outdoor pool area with outbuil­dings and sunbathing lawns used to be adja­cent to the south.

In order to enable economic bathing in future, Kusel swim­ming pool had to be almost comple­tely stripped down to the bathing plat­form. Only the base­ment and the slide tower were retained.

All the parts of the exis­ting buil­ding were stripped back to their shell and provided with new surfaces on the floor, wall and ceiling.


The basis for the alignment and design of Kusel swim­ming pool was the exis­ting base­ment on which the new buil­ding was erected. The shape and geometry of the swim­mers’ and non-swim­mers’ pools were retained in the exis­ting buil­ding but were re-tiled and the diving faci­lity was replaced.

The aim was to keep the shape of the buil­ding as compact as possible and to opti­mise the func­tional proce­dures, for example in order to be able to staff the pay desk and cate­ring area with only one person during off-peak periods.


Due to greater roof loads, the exis­ting spatial frame­work was replaced with a frame cons­truc­tion consis­ting of welded double‑T steel girders. The white steel girders are posi­tioned in a trans­verse direc­tion to the buil­ding and span across the entire width of the buil­ding.

A wooden subs­truc­ture with suspended light­weight wood-wool boards ensures excel­lent acou­stics within the buil­ding and lends a summer-fresh ambi­ence to the inte­rior space. In order to reduce the volume of the buil­ding, the height of the buil­ding was adapted to the use of each area as part of the rede­ve­lo­p­ment.


The ceiling height of the ancil­lary rooms is lower compared with the bathing hall, while the roof in the diving area turns upwards.

In addi­tion, the façade was repo­si­tioned outwards so that the supports for the steel load-bearing system stand inside the buil­ding. This prevents the ener­ge­ti­cally disad­van­ta­geous pene­tra­tion of the outer skin while addi­tional surfaces are gained.


The entrance to the indoor and outdoor pools remains on the south side of the buil­ding. Along the glazed entrance façade, a roof over­hang provides a protected outdoor area towards the outdoor pool.

Via the trans­par­ently desi­gned foyer with a cate­ring area, bathers gain their first views into the bathing area and reach the bathing hall via the chan­ging areas and sani­tary faci­li­ties. Struc­tu­rally, the ancil­lary rooms form three cubes with rounded edges between which there are passa­ge­ways with visual axes towards the bathing hall.


A brightly coloured design runs throug­hout the whole buil­ding. The fresh ceiling design in parti­cular gives Kusel swim­ming pool a unique iden­tity and a cheerful atmo­sphere. In contrast to this, the wall and floor surfaces were desi­gned in calm, dark shades.

The addi­tional bathing offe­ring with a new children’s area and hot whirl­pool and the extended recrea­tional and recli­ning areas like­wise increase the welco­ming quality of the new aquatic park.

Outdoor area

The water surfaces in the outdoor pool area were reduced in order to make the running of the baths more econo­mical. There is no need for a non-swim­mers’ pool and, with four lanes, the new stain­less-steel swim­mers’ pool is smaller than in the original cons­truc­tion.

The recrea­tional pool remains in the original struc­ture after the rede­ve­lo­p­ment of the pool border and surroun­dings.


A new outdoor children’s pool and a mud area were added for younger bathers. A new chan­ging buil­ding was also added cons­tructed as a cold buil­ding. The kiosk between the swim­mers’ pool and the slide faci­lity remained in the original buil­ding.

The base­ment had tobe struc­tu­rally extended for the tech­nical instal­la­tions of the indoor and outdoor pools.


The tight budget for the rede­ve­lo­p­ment of Kusel swim­ming pool is reflected in certain para­me­ters, for example the volume of the buil­ding, the water surfaces and also, in part, the design of the surfaces.

lrre­spec­tive of this, it was possible to form the indoor and outdoor pools as a unit in terms of design and func­tion­a­lity and to give the new Vitalbad a brightly coloured radi­ance and an iden­tity of its own.

We did this.

Project data


4a Archi­tekten GmbH
Hall­straße 25
D — 70376 Stutt­gart

Project team

Ernst Ulrich Till­manns
Torsten Hannig, Jonas Straß, Joanna Lack­or­zynska, Charlie Lang, Alena Zgor­skaya
Sylvia Gmelin


Vitalbad Pfälzer Berg­land GmbH

Physical address

Vitalbad Kusel
Trierer Straße 194
D — 66869 Kusel


Trold­tekt® Akus­tik­platten

Ceramic Tiles

Agrob Buchtal


David Matthiessen, Stutt­gart


4a Archi­tects

© David Matthiessen





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