Above the clouds

Replacement of the Air Lifting Cushions in the Allianz Arena Munich



The Allianz Arena is almost certainly the most beau­tiful and most spec­ta­cular stadium in Germany. This is mainly as a result of the archi­tec­ture of Herzog de Meuron and the shape-defi­ning facade and roof elements. And of course thanks also to Bayern Munich FC …

The roof struc­ture of the Allianz Arena included a total of 19 hydrau­li­cally-movable cushion elements. They were used for venti­la­tion, but were very main­ten­ance-inten­sive and often only of limited use. In addi­tion, they conti­nuously dirtied the under­hang tracks beneath the stadium roof.

The stadium is owned by Allianz Arena München Stadion GmbH, a 100% subsi­diary of FC Bayern München AG. The faci­lity manage­ment tech­ni­cians respon­sible here initiated the project. A refur­bish­ment of the exis­ting tech­no­logy was not an option for economic reasons.

Problem & Solution

The air lifting cushions were to be replaced by a more robust solu­tion — a solu­tion that still had to be installed at a height of 52 metres. Compa­neer comes into play with such compli­cated tasks. In colla­bo­ra­tion with specia­list plan­ners and compa­nies, the stadium specia­lists from Munich first deve­loped the concept for repla­cing the hydraulic cushion elements. Then the opera­tion was corrob­orated toge­ther with the property super­visor R + R Fuchs PartGmbB.

Elec­tri­cally driven lamella slat elements were used to replace the compli­cated and elabo­rate hydraulic cushions.

Helicopter Operations

In an initial step, four of the nine­teen lifting cushions were replaced in 2018. These first had to prove them­selves over a summer and a winter period. This resulted in minor adjus­t­ments but, overall, the new slat elements proved their worth even under diffi­cult climatic condi­tions. Even at severe sub-zero tempe­ra­tures, the slats could be opened at any time.

In two further cons­truc­tion phases, the remai­ning 15 lifting cushions were replaced by new elements, each weig­hing just under 1.5 tons – but at a height of 52 metres. For this, a trans­port heli­c­opter and a lot of skill were always neces­sary and duly employed. The maximum permis­sible payload of the heli­c­opter was almost comple­tely exhausted.

Compa­neer also super­vised the contract award and the subse­quent project manage­ment on the cons­truc­tion site, inclu­ding coor­di­na­tion on the day of the flight. Ever­y­thing worked out just fine.

We did this.

Project data and compa­nies involved

Project Management

Compa­neer GmbH
Parkstr. 22
D — 80339 München 


Metal Construction

Erhard Brandl GmbH & Co. KG
Eich­stätter Str. 16
D — 85117 Eiten­sheim



Allianz Arena
Werner-Heisen­berg-Allee 25
D — 80939 München


Wucher Heli­c­opter GmbH
Hans-Wucher-Platz 1
A — 6713 Ludesch


Height and connection work

Membranbau Sieber GmbH
Seeoner Str. 10
D — 83119 Obing


Compa­neer GmbH
Groezi auf Pixabay
Richard Bartz, Munich aka Makro Freak




Johannes Bühl­be­cker
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