Simply beautiful

Academia Unileão in Juazeiro do Norte

Lins Arquitetos Associados


The Unileão gym & school buil­ding is located in Juazeiro do Norte, CE. It sits within the Cariri region, which is encom­passed by the Brazi­lian northe­as­tern steppe climate, an extre­mely dry and hot area. The buil­ding serves the Physical Educa­tion course offered by the Univer­sity and is used by its students, faculty, and staff.


The buil­ding was set in a pre-exis­ting plateau that guided its East-West orien­ta­tion, that is, with large facades exposed to a greater solar inci­dence every day of the year. This is not the ideal situa­tion for the Brazi­lian semi-arid climate, and for that reason diffe­rent thermal comfort stra­te­gies were applied to reduce the tempe­ra­ture inside the buil­ding.

Ground plan

The complex is formed by five circles of 7.80m radius, 6.00m of which are useful area and 1.80m are garden area. Each circle works as a cell destined for a diffe­rent acti­vity. Two cells are used for weight trai­ning, one for the recep­tion and canteen, another for aerobic acti­vi­ties, and an admi­nis­tra­tion and staff service cell. Each cell connects directly with one another forming a set of appro­xi­m­ately 64 meters in length. Three verandas assist those connec­tions and serve either to mark the main entrance of the gym or to support func­tional trai­ning.


As a way of mini­mi­zing the solar inci­dence directly inside the buil­ding all the facades were desi­gned in three layers. The first and more external layer filters the sunlight and is desi­gned with solid ceramic tiles distanced from one another such as to create a pattern that allows light in. This pattern brings three-dimen­sio­na­lity and volume to the facade, crea­ting an inte­res­ting light and shadow effect. The second layer shel­ters an inside garden with species of vege­ta­tion adapted to the climate of the region and that contri­bute to crea­ting a plea­sant micro­cli­mate. The third and final layer is composed of pivo­ting frames of clear glass that allow the mecha­nical cooling of the gym if neces­sary.


The roofing of the buil­ding is desi­gned with thermo-acou­stic tiles that protect the inte­rior of the buil­ding from exces­sive heat. The exposed concrete and solid ceramic tiles in their natural colors are the mate­rials that stand out. The indus­trial floo­ring and all the exposed elec­trical and hydraulic instal­la­tions bring an indus­trial feel to the inte­rior of the buil­ding.

In summary, the buil­ding proposes to ratio­na­lize the spatial distri­bu­tion, promo­ting an easy reading of the secto­riza­tion, while explo­ring the tactile and visual stimuli through mate­rials, light and shadow effects, and vege­ta­tion, contri­bu­ting to the comfort and perma­nence of users.

We did this.

Compa­nies involved and project data


Lins Arqui­tetos Asso­ciados
Cintia Lins, George Lins
Rua Manoel Miguel dos Santos, 330
Juazeiro do Norte, Cariri 




Joana França

Built surface

964 m²


Cidade Univer­si­tária
Juazeiro do Norte
Ceará, 63040–410


Lins Arqui­tetos Asso­ciados



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